Chapter 10

Five Terrific Time-Saving Tools


Bullet Taking a quick look inside files with Quick Look

Bullet Finding your files and folders, fast

Bullet Taking charge with Mission Control

Bullet Taking Control with Control Center

Bullet Learning to love the Big Sur Launchpad

In this chapter, I show you the ins and outs of five terrific time-saving tools: Quick Look, Spotlight, Mission Control, Control Center, and Launchpad. Each is designed to let you use your Mac better, faster, and more elegantly. Yes, you can use your mouse and click your way to any file or folder on any drive, but these features are built into Big Sur for your convenience.

At the risk of repeating myself, Apple frequently provides more than one way to accomplish a task in macOS, so there’s duplication and overlap among and between the tools in this chapter and tools I discuss elsewhere in this book. Don’t worry. Take what you need, and leave the rest. Most users love Quick Look, but some never use it. Some people love Spotlight; others ...

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