Chapter 8

Managing Files and Folders the Smart Way


Bullet Getting organized with folders

Bullet Moving around files and folders

Bullet Using iCloud, iCloud+, and iCloud Drive

You’ll eventually accumulate a lot of files on your disk(s): tens, hundreds, thousands, even millions of files.

In Chapter 7, you read about Finder and opening and saving files. In this chapter, we take a look at how to organize all those files so you can find them when you need them.

Organizing Your Stuff in Folders

Organizing your files is as personal as your taste in music; you develop your own style with the Mac. But this section provides some ideas about how you might want to organize things, plus some suggestions that can make organization easier for you.

The following subsections explain the difference between a file and a folder, show you how to set up nested folders, and cover how some special folder features work.

What’s the difference between a file and a folder?

Let’s start by sorting out the difference between a file and a folder. A file is a named container that holds a specific item, such as a document, an app, or an alias. If you open Microsoft Word, create a document, and save it, the document ...

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