Chapter 1

Adventuring into the Mac World

In This Chapter

arrow Discovering why your computer is special

arrow Conversing with your computer

arrow Introducing iLife

arrow Getting work done with iWork

arrow Going outside the box

arrow Computing safely

Forgive me for getting too personal right off the bat, but next to your spouse or significant other, is there anyone or anything you touch more often than a computer keyboard? Or gaze at more intensely than a monitor?

If this is your initial dalliance with a Macintosh, you’re probably already smitten — and quite possibly at the start of a lifelong affair.

Despite its good looks, the Mac is much more than a trophy computer. You can admire the machine for flaunting intelligent design, versatility, and toughness. A Mac can take care of itself. As of this writing, the Mac has avoided the scourge of viruses that plague PCs based on Microsoft Windows. Apple’s darlings are a lot ...

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