Chapter 16
Shooting an iMovie Screen Test
In This Chapter
Capturing footage
Getting footage onto the Mac
Understanding postproduction
Sharing your movie
Introducing QuickTime
Hooray for Hollywood. Hooray for iLife. Apple’s digital media suite — specifically, through iMovie — provides the video editing and other software tools you need to satisfy your auteur ambitions. Then, when the movie is in the can, you can share it with the awaiting public through a gaggle of options.
“I’d like to thank all the people who made this award possible. The wonderful cast and crew, my loving family, my agent. And a special thanks to the late Steve Jobs … ”
Of course, even if your filmmaking aspirations are of a more modest nature — producing slick highlights of Johnny’s or Gillian’s soccer games, rather than anything with genuine box-office appeal — iMovie is still a keen companion for your inner director and producer.
Apple has reinvented iMovie a couple of times over the years — and frankly, not ...
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