Magnetic nanowires grown by focused electron beam-induced deposition

A. Fernández-Pacheco1; L.E. Serrano-Ramón2; R. Córdoba3; M.R. Ibarra2,3; J.M. De Teresa2,3    1 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK2 Universidad de Zaragoza-CSIC, Zaragoza, Spain3 Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain


This chapter is devoted to the fabrication and advanced characterization of cobalt nanowires grown by focused electron beam induced deposition. After showing how to pattern pure Cobalt wires by choosing appropriate growth conditions, we investigate the conduction of domain walls in this type of nanowires for storage and logic applications. Moreover, we pattern out-of-plane nanostructures, opening a new route to investigate three-dimensional ...

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