5The Three Things You Must Get Right

A Simple, Powerful Formula to Attract Business

If I had to choose only one chapter of this book for you to read, this would be it. This is the core idea, the heartbeat, the absolute foundation of how to become magnetic. I'm going to give you a simple, powerful formula to attract business. It's been proven effective time and time again by every size and kind of business you can imagine. Part of the reason for its effectiveness is its simplicity. You can put this strategy to work for you immediately.

In the previous chapter, The Three Things We Want Them to Say, you began to think through and identify the three things that you want your customers to say about you. They are the “what we want them to say” statements. These are, in effect, the stories they will tell about their experiences with you. This is what reinforces their loyalty and attracts new customers to you. This is the power of positive word of mouth.

Now you'll identify the three things you must get right every time in order to drive those “what we want them to say” statements.

You may have a business with a thousand moving parts. You may feel, justifiably, that it's very complicated. But I assure you that if you simplify your thinking to get clarity on and focus on the three things you must get right every single day, it will be the guiding force that drives success.

This is where you put words into their mouths.

Wouldn't it be great if you could just put words into your customers' ...

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