Book description
"This is teaching at its best!"
--Hans Camenzind, inventor of the 555 timer (the world's most successful integrated circuit), and author of Much Ado About Almost Nothing: Man's Encounter with the Electron (
"A fabulous book: well written, well paced, fun, and informative. I also love the sense of humor. It's very good at disarming the fear. And it's gorgeous. I'll be recommending this book highly."
--Tom Igoe, author of Physical Computing and Making Things Talk
A "magnificent and rewarding book. ... Every step of this structured instruction is expertly illustrated with photos and crisp diagrams. . . . This really is the best way to learn."
--Kevin Kelly, in Cool Tools
The first edition of Make: Electronics established a new benchmark for introductory texts. This second edition enhances that learning experience.
Here you will find unique, photographically precise diagrams of breadboarded components, to help you build circuits with speed and precision. A new shopping guide and a simplified range of components, will minimize your investment in parts for the projects. A completely new section on the Arduino shows you how to write properly structured programs instead of just downloading other people's code. Projects have been reworked to provide additional features, and the book has been restructured to offer a step-by-step learning process that is as clear and visually pleasing on handheld devices as it is on paper. Full color is used throughout.
As before, Make: Electronics begins with the basics. You'll see for yourself how components work--and what happens when they don't. You'll short out a battery and overheat an LED. You'll also open up a potentiometer and a relay to see what's inside. No other book gives you such an opportunity to learn from real-life experiences.
Ultimately, you will build gadgets that have lasting value, and you'll have a complete understanding of how they work. From capacitors to transistors to microcontrollers--it's all here.
Hans Camenzind, inventor of the 555 Timer (the world's most successful integrated circuit chip), said that "This is teaching at its best!" when he reviewed the first edition. Now the second edition offers even more!
Publisher resources
Table of contents
- What’s New in the Second Edition
- Preface: How to Have Fun with This Book
1. The Basics
- Necessary Items for Chapter One
- Experiment 1: Taste the Power!
Experiment 2: Let’s Abuse a Battery!
- Caution: Use a Small Battery
- What You Will Need
- Generating Heat with Current
- Background: Why Didn’t Your Tongue Get Hot?
- Fundamentals: Volt Basics
- Fundamentals: Ampere Basics
- How to Blow a Fuse
- Fundamentals: Direct and Alternating Current
- Background: Inventor of the Battery
- Background: Father of Electromagnetism
- Cleanup and Recycling
- Experiment 3: Your First Circuit
Experiment 4: Variable Resistance
- What You Will Need
- Look Inside Your Potentiometer
- Testing the Potentiometer
- Caution: Don’t Add Power
- Caution: Destructive Experiment Ahead
- Dimming Your LED
- Measuring Potential Difference
- Checking the Flow
- Caution: Meter Overload
- Checking the Current
- Making Measurements
- Fundamentals: Ohm’s Law
- Fundamentals: Series and Parallel
- Using Ohm’s Law
- How Big a Resistor?
- Background: Hot Wires
- Fundamentals: Decimals
- Theory: The Math on Your Tongue
- Background: The Watt
- Background: The Origins of Wattage
- Cleanup and Recycling
- Experiment 5: Let’s Make a Battery
2. Switching
Necessary Items for Chapter Two
- Essential: Small Screwdrivers
- Essential: Small Long-Nosed Pliers
- Optional: Sharp-Nosed Pliers
- Essential: Wire Cutters
- Optional: Flush Cutters
- Essential: Wire Strippers
- Essential: Breadboards
- Supplies
- Essential: Hookup Wire
- Jumpers
- Optional: Stranded Wire
- Components
- Essential: Toggle Switch
- Essential: Tactile Switch
- Essential: Relay
- Essential: Trimmer Potentiometer
- Essential: Transistors
- Essential: Capacitors
- Essential: Resistors
- Essential: Loudspeaker
- And More?
- Experiment 6: Very Simple Switching
- Experiment 7: Investigating a Relay
Experiment 8: A Relay Oscillator
- What You Will Need
- A Beginner’s Board
- Making Jumpers
- Power Up
- Inside the Board
- Relay Circuit, Revealed
- Making It Buzz
- Adding Capacitance
- Fundamentals: Farad Basics
- Caution: Getting Zapped by Capacitors
- Fundamentals: Capacitor Basics
- Caution: Observe Capacitor Polarity!
- Fundamentals: Fault Tracing
- Background: Michael Faraday and Capacitors
- Experiment 9: Time and Capacitors
Experiment 10: Transistor Switching
- What You Will Need
- The Finger Test
- Caution: Never Use Two Hands
- Inside the Finger Test
- Fundamentals: Transistor Variants
- Adding a Potentiometer
- Voltage and Current
- Fundamentals: All About NPN and PNP Transistors
- Caution: Fragile Component!
- Background: Transistor Origins
- Fundamentals: Transistors and Relays
- Experiment 11: Light and Sound
Necessary Items for Chapter Two
3. Getting Somewhat More Serious
Necessary Items for Chapter Three
- Essential: Power Supply
- Essential: Low-Power Soldering Iron
- Essential: General Duty Soldering Iron
- Soldering Iron Terminology
- Essential: Helping Hand
- Essential: Magnifying Lens
- Optional: Clip-on Meter Test Leads
- Optional: Heat Gun
- Optional: Desoldering Equipment
- Optional: Soldering Stand
- Optional: Miniature Hand Saw
- Optional: Deburring Tool
- Optional: Calipers
- Supplies
- Essential: Solder
- Optional: Heat-Shrink Tubing
- Essential: Copper Alligator Clips
- Optional: Perforated Board
- Optional: Plywood
- Optional: Machine Screws
- Essential: Project Boxes
- Essential: Power Connectors
- Optional: Headers
- Components
- Diodes
Experiment 12: Joining Two Wires Together
- What You Will Need
- Caution: Soldering Irons Do Get Hot!
- Your First Solder Joint
- Background: Soldering Myths
- Fundamentals: Eight Soldering Errors
- Background: Soldering Alternatives
- Your Second Solder Joint
- Theory: Heat Transfer
- Insulating the Solder Joint
- Caution: Heat Guns Do Get Hot!
- Wiring Your Power Source
- Step One: Cut and Measure
- Step Two: Soldering
- Pruning a Power Cord
- Twelve Steps to a Shorter Cord
- What’s Next?
- Experiment 13: Roasting an LED
- Experiment 14: A Wearable Pulsing Glow
Experiment 15: Intrusion Alarm, Part One
- What You Will Need
- Wish List
- Implementing the Wish List
- Magnetic Sensor Switches
- A Break-to-Make Transistor Circuit
- Self-Locking Relay
- Blocking Bad Voltage
- Fundamentals: All About Diodes
- One Problem Creates Another
- Solving the Problem
- Protection Diode
- Time to Breadboard
- Adding the Sound
- Reference: Take-Home Messages
Necessary Items for Chapter Three
4. Chips, Ahoy!
- Necessary Items for Chapter Four
Experiment 16: Emitting a Pulse
- What You Will Need
- Know Your Chips
- Monostable Test
- Timing the Pulse
- Caution: Beware of Pin-Shuffling!
- Fundamentals: Timer Duration
- Theory: Inside the 555 in Monostable Mode
- Fundamentals: Pulse Suppression
- Fundamentals: Why the 555 Is Useful
- Fundamentals: Bistable Mode
- Background: How the Timer Was Born
- Fundamentals: 555 Timer Specifications
- Caution: Not All Timers Are Equal
- Experiment 17: Set Your Tone
Experiment 18: Intrusion Alarm (Almost) Completed
- What You Will Need
- Three Steps to a Functional Device
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
- What About the Noise?
- What About On and Off?
- Finalizing
- Most Common Perfboarding Errors
- Fundamentals: Perforated Board Fault Tracing
- The Project Box
- Soldering the Switches
- Fixing the Board
- Caution: Avoid Board Stress
- Final Test
- Alarm Installation
- Conclusion
Experiment 19: Reflex Tester
- What You Will Need
- Caution: Protecting Chips from Static
- Caution: Be Careful When Grounded
- A Quick Demo
- Fundamentals: LED Displays
- Fundamentals: The Counter
- Pulse Generation
- Time for a Plan
- A Control System
- Progress Report
- The Delay
- Testing
- How Does It Work?
- Background: Development Issues
- Extra Digits
- Calibration
- Enhancements
- Next?
Experiment 20: Learning Logic
- What You Will Need
- The Regulator
- Caution: Inappropriate Inputs
- Usage
- Your First Logic Gate
- Background: Logical Origins
- Fundamentals: Logic Gate Basics
- Background: The Confusing World of TTL and CMOS
- What You Don’t Need
- Fundamentals: Part Numbers and Functions
- Fundamentals: Rules for Connecting Logic Gates
- Experiment 21: A Powerful Combination
- Experiment 22: Race to Place
- Experiment 23: Flipping and Bouncing
- Experiment 24: Nice Dice
5. What Next?
- Tools, Equipment, Components, and Supplies
- Customizing Your Work Area
- Labeling
- On the Bench
- Reference Sources Online
- Books
- Experiment 25: Magnetism
- Experiment 26: Tabletop Power Generation
- Experiment 27: Loudspeaker Destruction
- Experiment 28: Making a Coil React
- Experiment 29: Filtering Frequencies
- Experiment 30: Make It Fuzzy
- Experiment 31: One Radio, No Solder, No Power
Experiment 32: Hardware Meets Software
- What You Will Need
- Definitions
- Real-World Applications
- The Right Tool for the Job?
- One Board, Many Chips
- Beware of Imitations?
- Setup
- Linux Installation
- Windows Installation
- Windows Troubleshooting
- Mac Installation
- If All Else Fails
- The Old Arduino Blink Test
- Verify and Compile
- Upload and Run
- Caution: Lost Code
- Programming Entails Detail
- Background: Origins and Options Among Programmable Chips
- Fundamentals: Advantages and Disadvantages
- Longevity
- Obsolescence
- Hybrid Circuits
- Individual Components: Advantages
- Individual Components: Disadvantages
- Microcontrollers: Advantages
- Microcontrollers: Disadvantages
- Summing Up
- Experiment 33: Checking the Real World
Experiment 34: Nicer Dice
- What You Will Need:
- The Limits to Learning by Discovery
- Randomicity
- Pseudocode
- Button Inputs
- The System Clock
- Final Draft of Pseudocode
- Hardware Setup
- Now, the Program
- Short and Long Integers
- Setup
- The “for” Loop
- The Random Function
- The “if” Statement
- Flash Speed
- Creating a New Function
- Structure
- But Is It Too Difficult?
- Upgrading the Nicer Dice Program
- Other Microcontrollers
- Unexplored Territory
- In Closing
- 6. Tools, Equipment, Components, and Supplies
- Index
Product information
- Title: Make: Electronics, 2nd Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: August 2015
- Publisher(s): Make: Community
- ISBN: 9781680450224
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