Shawn Connally
I’VE GOTTEN GREEDY, I’VE GOTTEN LAZY, AND I expect too much. I mostly blame TiVo for taking me down this path. If TiVo can figure out what I like to watch and let me rewind a scene to figure out what that mumbling actor is saying, why can’t my car stereo let me listen to a song from the beginning if I jump into the car as it’s ending? Why can’t my special shampoo chemically enhance the roots of my hair and keep my, um, natural blonde highlights looking natural?
The marvels of 21st century technology have made me look at my microwave, toaster, and yard sprinkler with disdain. It’s a bagel, stupid, not a frozen waffle. I’m defrosting chicken, not fish. My kids are outside playing — don’t you even have a motion sensor, ...
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