1.2.3 Rear-View Power Socket

By Doug Watson Illustrations by Julie West


12V power receptacle I used the Philmore TC600 cigarette lighter plug socket. » Wire, 2-conductor, insulated, 20-gauge solid, 6" such as bell wire. Or 2 lengths of single-conductor wire. » Cable ties (5) aka zip ties » Wire cutter/stripper » Soldering iron and solder » Ohmmeter or multimeter

A GPS UNIT IS A GREAT CAR ACCESSORY, but the power cord hanging across the dashboard is an eyesore. Many vehicles have 12V power at the rear-view mirror, with a 2-wire plug. Tap into it to straighten up your view.

1. Wire your socket.

Unscrew the Philmore lighter socket to reveal the lugs. Strip ¼" of insulation off all ends of your wire pair. Solder one wire to the center ...

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