you’ve been living on Earth this year,
you’ve probably heard someone
mention self-driving cars. If you
were tuned in, you might have heard the
$70,000 price tag for just one of the early
lidar units used in Google’s driverless cars.
The devices are a bit outside the typical
price point for a family auto let alone a
hobbyists project.
Lidar is at once an acronym for Light
Detection and Ranging and a portmanteau
of “light radar.” Its name is fairly descriptive:
The unit bounces laser light off of objects,
and senses the return of that light to
measure the distance of said object. This is
key to object detection in a self-driving car.
But forget cars for a moment. What
about golf carts?
Alex Rodrigues, Michael Skupien, and
Brandon Moak built a self-driving golf cart
as part of a mechatronics engineering
program at the University of Waterloo in
Ontario, Canada. The sensor that made
it possible was a new-ish, $8,000 lidar
unit from Velodyne called the VLP-16,
affectionately known as the Puck. After a
$35,000 grant, Rodrigues, Skupien, and
Moak dropped out of Waterloo to move to
California and attend YCombinator. They
founded Varden Labs, which just finished
a round of fundraising, and has done pilot
demos for automated shuttles, including
bringing VIPs to a Sacramento Kings game.
That’s not to say lidar makes automated
driving simple, but if you can take some of
the challenges out, reasoned Rodrigues,
you could make it a lot easier to solve. “We
intentionally chose to put constraints on
the problem,” he says. “We said building
a fully self-driving car that can work in
all conditions, in all places, at all times, is
really hard. But making something that can
be useful for transporting people doesn’t
have to be that hard. So we specifically
are targeting shuttle service on private
campuses.” That means they could slow it
down, place it in a controlled environment
like a university or retirement community,
and keep it on private property to cut down
on the regulations they have to deal with.
Varden Labs is just one of a number of
groups tackling self-driving golf carts
as people movers, and there’s still more
working in other segments of lidar
computer vision and control. And not all
are targeting big, expensive vehicles; the
technology is rapidly becoming more
accessible to makers — who are in turn
making it cheaper and more accessible for
the masses.
So forget self-driving golf carts. Reduce
the problem even more. What about lawn
“We are trying to make it better than the
average mower,” says Alexander Grau, one
of five members of the Ardumower project,
an Arduino-powered DIY automated cutter.
“If you want average quality or average
features, then you just can buy a normal
mower, commercial mower. If you want
something special, then you have to build
yourself a mower.
Basically a Roomba for your lawn, right?
If only it were that simple. Roombas and
other robotic vacuums (some of which use
lidar) have a couple of advantages: They
(mostly) don’t operate in direct sunlight;
they never have to go up- or downhill;
and their environment doesn’t change
much. Take it outside, put a blade on it,
and you have to contend with many other
confounding factors.
“If you have flat ground, just a room for
example, indoor it works nice,” says Grau.
“But outdoor it’s too difficult, because
the ground is not flat. So sometimes you
get data, signal from the ground, and
the processing software … thinks its an
obstacle, but its just the ground.
Grau would know. He’s a computer
scientist who is currently tackling all
these issues, and more, in pursuit of the
Ardumower. You can buy an automated lawn
mower, points out Grau, but it relies on a
cable strung around the perimeter to stay in
bounds. Lidar seemed a better option.
In principle, lidar isn’t very difficult. But
its basic element only gives you one data
point: You know that something is a certain
distance away, but not how wide or tall it
is, if it’s moving, how its oriented, or really
anything else. A person appears the same
as a wall appears the same as a chair, if the
chair is even tall enough to be struck by the
laser. To make lidar useful, you need to take
many measurements over a period of time.
And there’s more than one way to do that.
Most simply, affix a unit on a spinning
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A multi-laser lidar
unit like those from
Velodyne can quickly
capture a three-
dimensional model
of a locale when set
in a static position.
The more advanced
the unit, the more
lasers it contains,
which in turn collect a
higher density of data,
which allows for fairly
detailed 3D images of
their location.
Once you start
moving a lidar
unit, however, the
data it is capturing
begins to overlap,
making recordings
impossible to parse.
Sophisticated systems
overcome this by
adding in positional
awareness like GPS.
Some of the mapping
vehicles from big tech
companies couple
GPS with lidar units
to track the exact
point where each
moment of lidar data
is captured, “painting”
their route with
lasers. Combined
with the location
data, this can be used
to create a nearly
infinite 3D point cloud,
valuable for various
applications such as
providing detailed
street information to
self-driving cars.
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