Chapter 4. Inputs, Outputs, and Timers

Inputs, outputs, and timers form the basis for almost everything embedded systems do. Even the communication methods to talk to other components are made up of these (see bit-bang drivers in Chapter 7). In this chapter, I’m going to walk through a product development example. The goals will constantly change so it will feel like real life. That also lets us explore how to go from a simple system of a blinking light to debouncing buttons and dimming LEDs. Along the way, we’ll see a lot about timers and how they do much more than measure time.

However, before we get started with world domination, err, I mean product development, you need to know a bit about registers, the interface from your software to the processor.

Handling Registers

To do anything with an I/O line, we need to talk to the appropriate register. As described in “Your Processor Is a Language”, you can think of registers as an API to the hardware. Described in the chip’s user manual, registers come in all flavors to configure the processor and control peripherals. They are memory-mapped, so you can write to a specific address to modify a particular register. Often each bit in the register means something specific, which means we need to start using binary numbers to look at the values of specific bits.

Binary and Hexadecimal Math

Becoming familiar with basic binary and hexadecimal (hex) math will make your career in embedded systems far more enjoyable. Shifting individual bits around is great when you need to modify only one or two places. But if you need to modify the whole variable, hex comes in handy because each digit in hex corresponds to a nibble (four bits) in binary (see Table 4-1). (Yes, of course a nibble is half of a byte. Embedded folks like their puns.)

Table 4-1. Binary and hexadecimal math
Binary Hex Decimal Remember this number
0000 0 0 This one is easy.
0001 1 1 This is (1 << 0).
0010 2 2 This is (1 << 1). Shifting is the same as multiplying by 2shiftValue.
0011 3 3 Notice how in binary this is just the sum of one and two.
0100 4 4 (1 << 2) is a 1 shifted to the left by two zeros.
0101 5 5 This is an interesting number because every other bit is set.
0110 6 6 See how this looks like you could shift the three over to the left by one? This could be put together as ((1 << 2)|(1 << 1)), or ((1 << 2) + (1 << 1)), or, most commonly, (3 << 1).
0111 7 7 Look at the pattern of binary bits. They are very repetitive. Learn the pattern, and you’ll be able to generate this table if you need to.
1000 8 8 (1 << 3). See how the shift and the number of zeros are related? If not, look at the binary representation of 2 and 4.
1001 9 9 We are about to go beyond the normal decimal numbers. Because there are more digits in hexadecimal, we’ll borrow some from the alphabet. In the meantime, 9 is just 8 + 1.
1010 A 10 This is another special number with every other bit set.
1011 B 11 See how the last bit goes back and forth from 0 to 1? It signifies even and odd.
1100 C 12 Note how C is just 8 and 4 combined in binary? So of course it equals 12.
1101 D 13 The second bit from the right goes back and forth from 0 to 1 at half the speed of the first bit: 0, then 0, then 1, then 1, then repeat.
1110 E 14 The third bit also goes back and forth, but at half the rate of the second bit.
1111 F 15 All of the bits are set. This is an important one to remember.

Note that with four bits (one hex digit) you can represent 16 numbers, but you can’t represent the number 16. Many things in embedded systems are zero-based, including addresses, so they map well to binary or hexadecimal numbers. 

A byte is two nibbles, the left one being shifted up (left) four spaces from the other. So 0x80 is (0x8 << 4).

A 16-bit word is made up of two bytes. We can get that by shifting the most significant byte up 8 bits, then adding it to the lower byte:

0x1234 = (0x12 << 8) + (0x34)

A 32-bit word is 8 characters long in hex, but 10 characters long in decimal. While this dense representation can make debug prints useful, the real reason we use hex is to make binary easier.


Since memory is generally viewed in hex, some values are used to identify anomalies in memory. In particular, expect to see (and to use) 0xDEADBEEF or 0xDEADC0DE as an indicator (they are a lot easier to remember in hex than in decimal). Two other important bytes are 0xAA and 0x55. Because the bits in these numbers alternate, they are easy to see on an oscilloscope and good for testing when you want to see a lot of change in your values.

Bitwise Operations

As you work with registers, you will need to think about things at the bit level. Often, you’ll turn specific bits on and off. If you’ve never used bitwise operations, now is the time to learn. Where the logical operator && commonly means AND, ! means NOT, and || means OR, these work on the idea that anything zero is false, and anything nonzero is true.

Bitwise operations operate on a bit-by-bit basis (see Table 4-2). For bitwise AND, if the two inputs have a bit set, then the output will as well. Other bits in the output will be zero. For OR, if either of the two inputs has a bit set, then the output will as well.

Table 4-2. Bitwise operations
Bitwise operation Meaning Syntax Examples
AND If both of the two inputs have a bit set, the output will as well. & 0x01 & 0x02 = 0x00
0x01 & 0x03 = 0x01
0xF0 & 0xAA = 0xA0
OR If either of the two inputs has a bit set, the output will as well. | 0x01 | 0x02 = 0x03
0x01 | 0x03 = 0x03
0xFF | 0x00 = 0xFF
XOR If only one of the two inputs has a bit set, the output will as well. ^ 0x01 ^ 0x02 = 0x03
0x01 ^ 0x03 = 0x02
0xAA ^ 0xF5 = 0x5F
NOT Every bit is set to its opposite. ~ ~0x01 = 0xFE
~0x00 = 0xFF
~0x55 = 0xAA

Test, Set, Clear, and Toggle

Hex and bitwise operations are only a lead-up to being able to interact with registers. If you want to know if a bit is set, you need to bitwise AND with the register:

test = register & bit;
test = register & (1 << 3); // check 3rd bit in the register
test = register & 0x08;     // same, different syntax

Note that the test variable will either equal zero (bit is not set in the register) or 0x08 (bit is set). It isn’t true and false, though you can use it in normal conditionals as they only check for zero or nonzero.

If you want to set a bit in a register, OR it with the register:

register = register | bit;
register = register | (1 << 3); // turn on the 3rd bit in the register
register |= 0x08;               // same, different syntax

Clearing a bit is quite a bit more confusing because you want to leave the other bits in the register unchanged. The typical strategy is to invert the bit we want to clear using bitwise NOT (~). Then AND the inverted value with the register. This way, the other bits remain unchanged:

register = register & ~bit;
register = register & ~(1 << 3); // turn off the 3rd bit in the register
register &= ~0x08;               // same, different syntax

If you wanted to toggle a bit, you could check its value and then set or clear it as needed. For example:

test = register & bit;
if (test) {                      // bit is set, need to clear it
    register = register & ~bit;
} else {                         // bit is not set, need to set it
    register = register | bit;

However, there is another way to toggle a bit using the XOR operation:

register = register ^ bit;
register = register ^ (1 << 3);

If the register has the 0x08 bit set, XOR will see two ones and will output zero for that bit. If the register didn’t have the bit set, the XOR will see a one and a zero, outputting a one for that bit. The other bits in the register won’t be changed because only the single bit is set in the second input, and the others are zero.

Enough review. You will need to know these operations to use registers. If this isn’t something you are comfortable with, there are resources at the end of the chapter for you to learn more or practice.

Toggling an Output

Marketing has come to you with an idea for a product. When you see through the smoke and mirrors, you realize that all they need is for a light to blink.

Most processors have pins whose digital states can be read (input) or set (output) by the software. These go by the name of I/O pins, general-purpose I/O (GPIO), digital I/O (DIO), and, occasionally, general I/O (GIO). The basic use case is usually straightforward, at least when an LED is attached:

  1. Initialize the pin to be an output (as an I/O pin, it could be input or output).

  2. Set the pin high when you want the LED on. Set the pin low when you want the LED off. (Although the LED can also be connected to be on when the pin is low, this example will avoid inverted logic.)

Throughout this chapter, I’ll give you examples from three different user manuals so you get an idea of what to expect in your processor’s documentation. Microchip’s ATtiny AVR microcontroller manual describes an 8-bit microcontroller with plenty of peripherals. The TI MSP430x2xx user’s guide describes a 16-bit RISC processor designed to be ultra low power. The STMicroelectronics STM32F103xx reference manual describes a 32-bit Arm Cortex microcontroller. You won’t need these documents to follow along, but I thought you might like to know the processors that the examples are based upon.

Setting the Pin to Be an Output

Getting back to marketing’s request to toggle an LED, most I/O pins can be either inputs or outputs. The first register you’ll need to set will control the direction of the pin so it is an output. First, determine which pin you will be changing. To modify the pin, you’ll need to know the pin name (e.g., “I/O pin 2,” not its number on the processor (e.g., pin 12). The names are often inside the processor in schematics, while the pin number is on the outside of the box (as shown in Figure 4-2).

Figure 4-2. Schematic of a processor with an LED attached

The pins may have multiple numbers in their name, indicating a port (or bank) and a pin in that port. (The ports may also be letters instead of numbers.) In the figure, the LED is attached to processor pin 10, which is named “SCLK/IO1_2.” This pin is shared between the SPI port (remember, this is a communication method, which we’ll discuss in Chapter 7) and the I/O subsystem (IO1_2). The user manual will tell you whether the pin is an I/O by default or a SPI pin (and how to switch between them). Another register may be needed to indicate the purpose of the pin. Most vendors are good about cross-referencing the pin setup, but if it is shared between peripherals, you may need to look in the peripheral section to turn off unwanted functionality. In our example, we’ll say the pin is an I/O by default.

In the I/O subsystem, it is the second pin (2) of the first bank (1). We’ll need to remember that and to make sure the pin is used as an I/O pin and not as a SPI pin. Your processor user manual will describe more. Look for a section with a name like “I/O Configuration,” “Digital I/O Introduction,” or “I/O Ports.” If you have trouble finding the name, look for the word “direction,” which tends to be used to describe whether you want the pin to be an input or an output.

Once you find the register in the manual, you can determine whether you need to set or clear a bit in the direction register. In most cases, you need to set the bit to make the pin an output. You could determine the address and hardcode the result:

*((int*)0x0070C1) |= (1 << 2);

However, please don’t do that.

The processor or compiler vendor will almost always provide a header file or a hardware abstraction layer (HAL, which includes a header file) that hides the memory map of the chip so you can treat registers as global variables. If the vendor didn’t give you a header file, make one for yourself, so that your code looks more like one of these lines:

STM32F103 processor
GPIOA->CRL |= 1 << 2;  // set IOA_2 to be an output
MSP430 processor
P1DIR |= BIT2;         // set IO1_2 to be an output
ATtiny processor
DDRB |= 0x4;           // set IOB_2 to be an output

Note that the register names are different for each processor, but the effect of the code in each line is the same. Each processor has different options for setting the second bit in the byte (or word).

In each of these examples, the code is reading the current register value, modifying it, and then writing the result back to the register. This read-modify-write cycle needs to happen in atomic chunks, meaning they need to execute without interruptions or any other processing between steps. If you read the value, modify it, and then do some other stuff before writing the register, you run the risk that the register has changed and the value you are writing is out of date. The register modification will change the intended bit, but also might have unintended consequences.

Turning On the LED

The next step is to turn on the LED. Again, we’ll need to find the appropriate register in the user manual:

STM32F103 processor
GPIOA->ODR |= (1 << 2);    // IOA_2 high
MSP430 processor
P1OUT |= BIT2;             // IO1_2 high
ATtiny processor
PORTB |= 0x4;              // IOB_2 high

The GPIO hardware abstraction layer header file provided by the processor vendor shows how the raw addresses get masked by some programming niceties. In STM32F103x6, the I/O registers are accessed at an address through a structure (I’ve reorganized and simplified the file):

typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t CRL;  // Port configuration (low)
  __IO uint32_t CRH;  // Port configuration (high)
  __IO uint32_t IDR;  // Input data register
  __IO uint32_t ODR;  // Output data register
  __IO uint32_t BSRR; // Bit set/reset register
  __IO uint32_t BRR;  // Bit reset register
  __IO uint32_t LCKR; // Port configuration lock
} GPIO_TypeDef;

#define PERIPH_BASE       0x40000000UL
#define APB2PERIPH_BASE   (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
#define GPIOA_BASE        (APB2PERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
#define GPIOA             ((GPIO_TypeDef *)GPIOA_BASE)

The header file describes many registers we haven’t looked at. These are also in the user manual section, with a lot more explanation. I prefer accessing the registers via the structure because it groups related functions together, often letting you work with the ports interchangeably.

Once we have the LED on, we’ll need to turn it off again. You just need to clear those same bits, as shown in “Test, Set, Clear, and Toggle”:

STM32F103 processor
GPIOA->ODR &= ~(1 << 2);       // IO1_2 low
MSP430 processor
P1OUT &= ~(BIT2);              // IO1_2 low
ATtiny processor
PORTB &= ~0x4;                 // IOB_2 low

Blinking the LED

To finish our program, all we need to do is put it all together. The pseudocode for this is as follows:

  initialize the direction of the I/O pin to be an output
  set the LED on
  do nothing for some period of time
  set the LED off
  do nothing for the same period of time
  repeat loop

Once you’ve programmed it for your processor, you should compile, load, and test it. You might want to tweak the delay loop so the LED looks about right. It will probably require several tens of thousands of processor cycles, or the LED will blink faster than you can perceive it.


If you have a debugging system such as JTAG set up, finding out why your LED won’t turn on is likely to be straightforward. Otherwise, you may have to use the process of elimination.

First, double-check your math. Even if you are completely comfortable with hex and bit shifting, a typo is always possible. In my experience, typos are the most difficult bugs to catch, often harder than memory corruptions. Check that you are using the correct pin on the schematic. And make sure there is power to the board. (You may think that advice is funny, but you’d be surprised at how often this plays a role!)

Next, check to see whether a pin is shared between different peripherals. While we said that the pin was an I/O by default, if you are having trouble, check to see if there is an alternate function that may be set in the configuration register.

As long as you have the manual open, verify that the pin is configured properly. If the LED isn’t responding, you’ll need to read the peripherals chapter of the user manual. Processors are different, so check that the pin doesn’t need additional configuration (e.g., a power control output) or have a feature turned on by default (do not make the GPIO an interrupt by accident).

Most processors have I/O as a default because that is the simplest way for their users (us!) to verify the processor is connected correctly. However, particularly with low-power processors, you will want to keep all unused subsystems off to avoid power consumption. (And other special-purpose processors may have other default functionality.) The user manual will tell you more about the default configuration and how to change it. There are often other registers that need a bit set (or cleared) to make a pin act as an I/O.

Sometimes the clocks need to be configured to let the I/O subsystem work correctly (or to make a delay function go slow enough that you can see the toggling). If you still have trouble, look for the vendor’s examples and identify any differences.

Next, make sure the system is running your code. Do you have another way to verify that the code being run is the code that you compiled? If you have a debug serial port, try incrementing the revision to verify that the code is getting loaded. If that doesn’t work, make sure your build system is using the correct processor for the target.

Make the code as simple as possible to be certain that the processor is running the function handling the LEDs. Eliminate any noncritical initialization of peripherals in case the system is being delayed while waiting for a nonexistent external device. Turn off interrupts and asserts, and make sure the watchdog is off (see “Watchdog”).

With many microcontrollers, pins can sink more current than they can source (provide). Therefore, it is not uncommon for the pin to be connected to the cathode rather than the anode of the LED. In these instances, you turn on an LED by writing a zero rather than a one. This is called inverted logic. Check your schematic to see if this is the case.

If the output still doesn’t work, consider whether there is a hardware-related issue. First, double-check that the LED is connected to the chip pin that you think it is. Then, if possible, run your software on multiple boards to rule out an assembly-related defect. Even in hardware, it can be something simple (installing LEDs backward is pretty easy). It may be a design problem, such as the processor pin being unable to provide enough current to drive the LED; the datasheet (or user manual) might be able to tell you this. There might be a problem on the board, such as a broken component or connection. With the high-density pins on most processors, it is very easy to short pins together. Ask for help, or get out your multimeter (or oscilloscope).

Separating the Hardware from the Action

Marketing liked your first prototype, though it may need to be tweaked a bit later. The system went from a prototype board to a PCB. During this process, somehow the pin number changed (to IO1_3). Both systems need to be able to run.

It is trivially simple to fix the code for this project, but for a larger system, the pins may be scrambled to make way for a new feature. Let’s look at how to make modifications simpler.

Board-Specific Header File

Using a board-specific header file lets you avoid hardcoding the pin. If you have a header file, you just have to change a value there instead of going through your code to change it everywhere it’s referenced. The header file might look like this:

#define LED_REGISTER       (P1OUT)
#define LED_BIT            (1 << 3)

The lines of code to configure and blink the LED can be processor-independent:

LED_SET_DIRECTION |= LED_BIT; // set the I/O to be output
LED_REGISTER |= LED_BIT;      // turn the LED on
LED_REGISTER &= ~LED_BIT;     // turn the LED off

That could get a bit unwieldy if you have many I/O lines or need the other registers. It might be nice to be able to give only the port (1) and position in the port (3) and let the code figure it out. The code might be more complex, but it is likely to save time (and bugs). For that, the header file would look like this:

// ioMapping_v2.h
#define LED_PORT 1
#define LED_PIN 3

If we want to recompile to use different builds for different boards, we can use three header files. The first is the old board pin assignments (ioMapping_v1.h). Next, we’ll create one for the new pin assignment (ioMapping_v2.h). We could include the one we need in our main .c file, but that defeats the goal of modifying that code less. If we have the main file always include a generic ioMapping.h, we can switch the versions in the main file by including the correct header file:

// ioMapping.h
#include "ioMapping_v1.h"
#include "ioMapping_v2.h"
#error "No I/O map selected for the board. What is your target?"
#endif /* COMPILING_FOR_*/

Using a board-specific header file hardens your development process against future hardware changes. By sequestering the board-specific information from the functionality of the system, you are creating a more loosely coupled and flexible codebase.


Keeping the I/O map in Excel is a pretty common way to make sure the hardware and software engineers agree on the pin definitions. With a little bit of creative scripting, you can generate your version-specific I/O map from a CSV file to ensure your pin identifiers match those on the schematic.

I/O-Handling Code

Instead of writing directly to the registers in the code, we’ll need to handle the multiple ports in a generic way.  So far we need to initialize the pin to be an output, set the pin high so the LED is on, and set the pin low so the LED is off. Oddly enough, we have a large number of options for putting this together, even for such a simple interface.

In the implementation, the initialization function configures the pin to be an output (and sets it to be an I/O pin instead of a peripheral if necessary). With multiple pins, you might be inclined to group all of the initialization together, but that breaks the modularity of the systems.

Although the code will take up a bit more space, it is better to have each subsystem initialize the I/Os it needs. Then, if you remove or reuse a module, you have everything you need in one area. However, we’ve seen one situation where you should not separate interfaces into subsystems: the I/O mapping header file, where all of the pins are collected together to make the interface with the hardware more easily communicated.

Moving on with the I/O subsystem interface, setting a pin high and low could be done with one function: IOWrite(port, pin, high/low). Alternatively, this could be broken out so that there are two functions: IOSet(port, pin) and IOClear(port, pin). Both methods work. Imagine what our main function will look like in both cases.

The goal is to make the LED toggle. If we use IOWrite, we can have a variable that switches between high and low. In the IOSet and IOClear case, we’d have to save that variable and check it in the main loop to determine which function to call. Alternatively, we could hide IOSet and IOClear within another function called IOToggle. We don’t have any particular constraints with our hardware, so we don’t need to consider optimizing the code in this example. For education’s sake, however, consider the options we are giving ourselves with these potential interfaces.

The IOWrite option does everything in one function, so it takes less code space. However, it has more parameters, so it takes more stack space, which comes out of RAM. Plus, it has to keep around a state variable (also RAM).

With the IOSet/IOClear/IOToggle option, there are more functions (more code space), but fewer parameters and possibly no required variables (less RAM). Note that the toggle function is no more expensive in terms of processor cycles than the set and clear functions.

This sort of evaluation requires you to think about the interface along another dimension. Chapter 11 will go over more details on how to optimize for each area. During the prototyping phase, it is too soon to optimize the code, but it is never too soon to consider how the code can be designed to allow for optimization later.

Main Loop

The modifications in the previous sections put the I/O-handling code in its own module, though the basics of the main loop don’t change. The implementation might look like the following:

void main(void){
  while (1) {    // spin forever
    IOToggle(LED_PORT, LED_PIN);

The main function is no longer directly dependent on the processor. With this level of decoupling, the code is more likely to be reused in other projects. In (a) of Figure 4-3, the original version of software architecture is shown, with its only dependency being the processor HAL. The middle, labeled (b), is our current version. It is more complicated, but the separation of concerns is more apparent. Note that the header files are put off to the side to show that they feed into the dependencies.

Our next reorganization will create an even more flexible and reusable architecture, illustrated by (c).

Figure 4-3. Comparison of different architectures in order of increasing abstraction

Facade Pattern

As you can imagine, our I/O interface is going to get more complex as the product features expand. (Currently we have only one output pin, so it can’t really get any simpler.) In the long run, we want to hide the details of each subsystem. There is a standard software design pattern called facade that provides a simplified interface to a piece of code. The goal of the facade pattern is to make a software library easier to use. Along the lines of the metaphor I’ve been using in this book, that interfacing to the processor is similar to working with a software library, it makes sense to use the facade pattern to hide some details of the processor and the hardware.

In “Designing for Change”, we saw the adapter pattern, which is a more general version of the facade pattern. Whereas the adapter pattern acted as a translation between two layers, the facade does this by simplifying the layer below it. If you were acting as an interpreter between scientists and aliens, you might be asked to translate “x = y + 2, where y = 1.” If you were an adapter pattern, you’d restate the same information without any changes. If you were a facade pattern, you’d probably say “x = 3” because it’s simpler and the details aren’t critical to using the information.

Hiding details in a subsystem is an important part of good design. It makes the code more readable and more easily tested. Furthermore, the calling code doesn’t depend on the internals of the subsystem, so the underlying code can change, while leaving the facade intact.

A facade for our blinking LED would hide the idea of I/O pins from the calling code by creating an LED subsystem, as shown in the right side of Figure 4-3. Given how little the user needs to know about the LED subsystem, the facade could be implemented with only two functions:


Calls the I/O initialization function for the LED pin (replaces IOSetDir(…))


Blinks the LED (replaces IOToggle(…))

Adding a facade makes your code easier to extend and change when requirements inevitably change.

The Input in I/O

Marketing wants to change the way the system blinks in response to a button. Now, when the button is held down, the system should stop blinking altogether.

Our schematic is not much more complex with the addition of a button (see Figure 4-4). Note that the button uses IO2_2 (I/O port 2, pin 2), which is denoted in the schematic with S1 (switch 1). The icon for a switch makes some sense; when you push it in, it conducts across the area indicated. Here, when you press the switch, the pin will be connected to ground.

Many processor I/O pins have internal pull-up resistors. When a pin is an output, the pull-ups don’t do anything. However, when the pin is an input, the pull-up gives it a consistent value (1), even when nothing is attached. The existence and strength of the pull-up may be configurable, but this depends on your processor (and possibly on the particular pin). Most processors even have an option to allow internal pull-downs on a pin. In that case, our switch could have been connected to power instead of ground.

Figure 4-4. Schematic with an LED and a button

Inputs with internal pull-ups take a bit of power, so if your system needs to conserve a few microamps, you may end up disabling the unneeded pull-ups (or pull-downs).

Your processor user manual will describe the pin options. The basic steps for setup are these:

  1. Add the pin to the I/O map header file.

  2. Configure it to be an input. Verify that it is not part of another peripheral.

  3. Configure a pull-up explicitly (if necessary).

Once you have your I/O pin set up as an input, you’ll need to add a function to use it⁠—one that can return the state of the pin as high (true) or low (false):

boolean IOGet(uint8_t port, uint8_t pin);

When the button is pressed, it will connect to ground. This signal is active low, meaning that when the button is actively being held down, the signal is low.

To keep the details of the system hidden, we’ll want to make a button subsystem that can use our I/O-handling module. On top of the I/O function, we can put another facade, so that the button subsystem will have a simple interface.

The I/O function returns the level of the pin. However, we want to know whether the user has taken an action. Instead of the button interface returning the level, you can invert the signal to determine whether the button is currently pressed. The interface could be:

void ButtonInit()

Calls the I/O initialization function for the button

boolean ButtonPressed()

Returns true when the button is down

As shown in Figure 4-5, both the LED and button subsystems use the I/O subsystem and I/O map header file. This is a simple illustration of how the modularization we did earlier in the chapter allows reuse.

Figure 4-5. Architecture with the newly added button

At a higher level, there are a few ways to implement the main function. Here is one possibility:

  initialize LED
  initialize button
  if button pressed, turn LED off
  else toggle LED
  do nothing for a period of time

With this code, the LED won’t go off immediately, but will wait until the delay has expired. The user may notice some lag between pushing the button and the LED turning off.


A system that doesn’t respond to a button press in less than a quarter of a second (250 ms) feels sluggish and difficult to use. A response time of 100 ms is much better, but still noticeable to impatient people. A response time under 50 ms feels very snappy.

To decrease the response time, we could check constantly to see whether the button was pressed:

  if button pressed, turn LED off
    if enough time has passed,
      toggle LED
      clear how much time has passed

Both of these methods check the button to determine whether it is pressed. This continuous querying is called polling and is easy to follow in the code. However, if the LED needs to be turned off as fast as possible, you may want the button to interrupt the normal flow.

Wait! That word (interrupt) is a really important one. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, and we’ll get into a lot more detail soon (and again in Chapter 5). Before that, look at how simple the main loop can be if you use an interrupt to capture and handle the button press:

  if button not pressed, toggle LED
  do nothing for a period of time

The interrupt code (aka ISR, or interrupt service routine) calls the function to turn off the LED. However, this makes the button and LED subsystems depend on each other, coupling the systems together in an unobvious way. There are times where you’ll have to do this so an embedded system can be fast enough to handle an event.

Chapter 5 will describe how and when to use interrupts in more detail. This chapter will continue to look at them at a high level only.

Momentary Button Press

Instead of using the button to halt the LED, marketing wants to test different blink rates by tapping the button. For each button press, the system should decrease the length of the delay by 50% (until it gets to near zero, at which point it should go back to the initial delay).

In the previous assignment, all you had to check was whether the button was pressed down. This time you have to know both when the button will be pressed and when it will be released. Ideally, we’d like the switch to look like the top part of Figure 4-6. If it did, we could make the system note the rising edge of the signal and take an action there.

Interrupt on a Button Press

This might be another area where an interrupt can help us catch the user input so the main loop doesn’t have to poll the I/O pin so quickly. The main loop becomes straightforward if it uses a global variable to learn about the button presses:

interrupt when the user presses the button:
  set global button pressed = true

  if global button pressed,
    set the delay period (reset or decrease it)
    set global button pressed = false
    turn LED off
  if enough time has passed,
    toggle LED
    clear how much time has passed

The input pins on many processors can be configured to interrupt when the signal at the pin is at a certain level (high or low) or has changed (rising or falling edge). If the button signal looks like it does in the ideal button signal at the top of Figure 4-6, where would you want to interrupt? Interrupting when the signal is low may lead to multiple activations if the user holds the button down. I prefer to interrupt on the rising edge so that when the user presses the button down, nothing happens until they release it.


To check a global variable accurately in this situation, you’ll need the volatile C keyword, which perhaps you’ve never needed before now when developing software in C and C++. This keyword tells the compiler that the value of the variable or object can change unexpectedly and should never be optimized out. All registers and all global variables shared between interrupts and normal code should be marked as volatile. If your code works fine without optimizations and then fails when optimizations are on, check that the appropriate globals and registers are marked as volatile.

Configuring the Interrupt

Configuring a pin to trigger an interrupt is usually separate from configuring the pin as an input. Although both count as initialization steps, we want to keep the interrupt configuration separated from our existing initialization function. This way, you can save the complexity of interrupt configuration for the pins that require it (more in Chapter 5).

Configuring a pin for interrupting the processor adds three more functions to our I/O subsystem:

IOConfigureInterrupt(port, pin, trigger type, trigger state)

Configures a pin to be an interrupt. The interrupt will trigger when it sees a certain trigger type, such as edge or level. For an edge trigger type, the interrupt can occur at the rising or falling edge. For a level trigger type, the interrupt can occur when the level is high or low. Some systems also provide a parameter for a callback, which is a function to be called when the interrupt happens; other systems will hardcode the callback to a certain function name, and you’ll need to put your code there.

IOInterruptEnable(port, pin)

Enables the interrupt associated with a pin.

IOInterruptDisable(port, pin)

Disables the interrupt associated with a pin.

If interrupts are not per-pin (they could be per-bank), the processor may have a generic I/O interrupt for each bank, in which case the ISR will need to untangle which pin caused the interrupt. It depends on your processor. If each I/O pin can have its own interrupt, the modules can be more loosely coupled.

Debouncing Switches

Many buttons do not provide the clean signal shown in the ideal button signal in the top part of Figure 4-6. Instead, they look more like those labeled “Bouncy digital button signal.” If you interrupted on that signal, your system could waste processor cycles by interrupting on the glitches at the start and end of the button press. Switch bouncing can be due to a mechanical or electrical effect.

Figure 4-6 also shows an analog view of what could happen when a button is pressed and only slowly goes into effect. (What really happens can be a lot more complicated, depending on whether the bouncing is due primarily to a mechanical or electrical cause.) Note that there are parts of the analog signal where the signal is neither high nor low, but somewhere in between. Since your I/O line is a digital signal, it can’t represent this indeterminate value and can behave badly. A digital signal full of edges would cause the code to believe multiple presses happened per user action. The result would be inconsistent and frustrating to the user. Worse, interrupting on such a signal can lead to processor instability, so let’s go back to polling the signal.

Figure 4-6. Different views of button signals

Debouncing is the technique used to eliminate the spurious edges. Although it can be done in hardware or software, we’ll focus on software. See Jack Ganssle’s excellent web article on debouncing (in “Further Reading”) for hardware solutions.


Many modern switches have a very short period of uncertainty. Switches have datasheets, too; check yours to see what the manufacturer recommends. Beware that trying to empirically determine whether you need debouncing might not be enough, as different batches of switches may act differently.

You still want to look for the rising edge of the signal, where the user releases the button. To avoid the garbage near the rising and falling edges, you’ll need to look for a relatively long period of consistent signal. How long that is depends on your switch and how fast you want to respond to the user.

To debounce the switch, take multiple readings (aka samples) of the pin at a periodic interval several times faster than you’d like to respond. When there have been several consecutive, consistent samples, alert the rest of the system that the button has changed. See Figure 4-6; the goal is to read enough that the uncertain logic levels don’t cause spurious button presses.

You will need three variables:

  • The current raw reading of the I/O line

  • A counter to determine how long the raw reading has been consistent

  • The debounced button value used by the rest of the code

How long debouncing takes (and how long your system takes to respond to a user) depends on how high the counter needs to increment before the debounced button variable is changed to the current raw state. The counter should be set so that the debouncing occurs over a reasonable time for that switch.

If there isn’t a specification for it in your product, consider how fast buttons are pressed on a keyboard. If advanced typists can type 120 words per minute, assuming an average of five characters per word, they are hitting keys (buttons) about 10 times per second. Figuring that a button is down half the time, you need to look for the button to be down for about 50 ms. (If you really are making a keyboard, you probably need a tighter tolerance because there are faster typists.)

For our system, the mythical switch has an imaginary datasheet stating that the switch will ring for no more than 12.5 ms when pressed or released. If the goal is to respond to a button held down for 50 ms or more, we can sample at 10 ms (100 Hz) and look for five consecutive samples.

Using five consecutive samples is pretty conservative. You may want to adjust how often you poll the pin’s level so you need only three consecutive samples to indicate that the button state has changed.


Strike a balance in your debouncing methodology: consider the cost of being wrong (annoyance or catastrophe?) and the cost of responding more slowly to the user.

In the previous falling-edge interrupt method of handling the button press, the state of the button wasn’t as interesting as the change in state. To that end, we’ll add a fourth variable to simplify the main loop:

read button:
  if raw reading is the same as debounced button value,
    reset the counter
    decrement the counter
    if the counter is zero,
      set debounced button value to raw reading
      set changed to true
      reset the counter

main loop:
  if time to read button,
    read button
    if button changed and button is no longer pressed,
      set button changed to false
      set the delay period (reset or halve it)
  if time to toggle the LED,
    toggle LED

Note that this is the basic form of the code. There are many options that can depend on your system’s requirements. For example, do you want it to react quickly to a button press but slowly to a release? There is no reason the debounce counter needs to be symmetric.

In the preceding pseudocode, the main loop polls the button again instead of using interrupts. However, many processors have timers that can be configured to interrupt. Reading the button could be done in a timer to simplify the main function. The LED toggling could also happen in a timer. More on timers soon, but first, marketing has another request.

Runtime Uncertainty

Marketing has a number of LEDs to try out. The LEDs are attached to different pins. Use the button to cycle through the possibilities.

We’ve handled the button press, but the LED subsystem knows only about the output on pin 1_2 on the v1 board or 1_3 on the v2 board. Once you’ve initialized all the LEDs as outputs, you could put a conditional (or switch) statement in your main loop:

if count button presses == 0, toggle blue LED
if count button presses == 1, toggle red LED
if count button presses == 2, toggle yellow LED

To implement this, you’ll need to have three different LED subsystems, or (more likely) your LED toggle function will need to take a parameter. The former represents a lot of copied code (almost always a bad thing), whereas the latter means the LED function will need to map the color to the I/O pin each time it toggles the LED (which consumes processor cycles).

Increasing Code Flexibility

Our goal here is to create a method to use one particular option from a list of several possible objects. Instead of making the selection each time (in the main loop or in the LED function), you can select the desired LED when the button is pressed. Then the LED toggle function is agnostic about which LED it is changing:

main loop:
  if time to read button,
    read button
    if button changed and button is no longer pressed,
      set button changed to false
      change LED variable

  if time to toggle the LED,
    toggle LED

By adding a state variable, we use a little RAM to save a few processor cycles. State variables tend to make a system confusing, especially when the change LED variable section of the code is separated from toggle LED. Unraveling the code to show how a state variable controls the option can be tedious for someone trying to fix a bug (commenting helps!). The state variable simplifies the LED toggle function considerably, so there are times where a state variable is worth the complications it creates.

Dependency Injection

However, we can go beyond a state variable to something even more flexible. Earlier we saw that abstracting the I/O pins from the board saves us from having to rewrite code when the board changes. We can also use abstraction to deal with dynamic changes (such as which LED is to be used). For this, we’ll use a technique called dependency injection.

Before, we were hiding the I/O pin in the LED code (creating a hierarchy of functions that depend only on the lower levels). With dependency injection, we’ll remove that dependency by passing an I/O handler as a parameter to the LED initialization code. The I/O handler will know which pin to change and how to change it, but the LED code will know only how to call the I/O handler. See Figure 4-7.

Figure 4-7. Dependency injection architecture for runtime uncertainty

An oft-used example to illustrate dependency injection relates engines to cars. The car, the final product, depends on an engine to move. The car and engine are made by the manufacturer. Though the car cannot choose which engine to install, the manufacturer can inject any of the dependency options that the car can use to get around (e.g., the 800-horsepower engine or the 20-horsepower one).

Tracing back to the LED example, the LED code is like the car and depends on the I/O pin to work, just as the car depends on the engine. However, the LED code may be made generic enough to avoid dependence on a particular I/O pin. This allows the main function (our manufacturer) to install an I/O pin appropriate to the circumstance instead of hardcoding the dependency at compile time. This technique allows you to compose the way the system works at runtime.

In C++ or other object-oriented languages, to inject the dependency, we pass a new I/O pin handler object to the LED whenever a button is pressed. The LED module would never know anything about which pin it was changing or how it was doing so. The variables to hide this are set at initialization time (but do remember that these are variables, consuming RAM and cluttering the code).


A structure of function pointers is often used in C to achieve the same goal.

Dependency injection is a very powerful technique, particularly if your LED module were to do something a lot more complicated, for instance, output Morse code. If you passed in your I/O pin handler, you could reuse the Morse code LED output routine for any processor. Further, during testing, your I/O pin handler could print out every call that the LED module made to it instead of (or in addition to) changing the output pin.

However, the car engine example illustrates one of the major problems with dependency injection: complexity. It works fine when you only need to change the engine. But once you are injecting the wheels, the steering column, the seat covers, the transmission, the dashboard, and the body, the car module becomes quite complicated, with little intrinsic utility of its own.

The aim of dependency injection is to allow flexibility. This runs contrary to the goal of the facade pattern, which reduces complexity. In an embedded system, dependency injection will take more RAM and a few extra processor cycles. The facade pattern will almost always take more code space. You will need to consider the needs and resources of your system to find a reasonable balance.

Using a Timer

Using the button to change the blinking speed was helpful, but marketing has found a problem in the uncertainty introduced into the blink rate. Instead of cutting the speed of the LED in half, marketing wants to use the button to cycle through a series of precise blink rates: 6.5 times per second (Hz), 8.5 Hz, and 10 Hz.

This request seems simple, but it is the first time we’ve needed to do anything with time precision. Before, the system could handle buttons and toggle the LED generally when it was convenient. Now the system needs to handle the LED in real time. How close you get to “precise” depends on the parameters of your system, mainly on the accuracy and precision of your processor input clock. We’ll start by using a timer on the processor to make it more precise than it was before, and then see if marketing can accept that.

Timer Pieces

In principle, a timer is a simple counter measuring time by accumulating a number of clock ticks. The more deterministic the master clock is, the more precise the timer can be. Timers operate independently of software execution, acting in the background without slowing down the code at all. To be technical, they are happening in the silicon gates that are part of the microcontroller.

To set the frequency of the timer, you will need to determine the clock input. This may be your processor clock (aka the system clock, or master clock), or it may be a different clock from another subsystem (for instance, many processors have a peripheral clock).

For example, the ATtiny45 has a maximum processor clock of 4 MHz. We want the LED to be able to blink at 10 Hz, but that means interrupting at 20 Hz (interrupt to turn it on, interrupt again to turn it off). This means we’ll need a division of 200,000. The ATtiny45 is an 8-bit processor; it has two 8-bit timers and a 16-bit timer. Neither timer will count up that high (see the sidebar “System Statistics”). However, the chip designers recognized this issue and gave us another tool: the prescaler register, which divides the clock so that the counter increments at a slower rate.


Many timers are zero-based instead of one-based, so for a prescaler that divides by 2, you put a 1 in the prescaler register. This whole timer thing is complicated enough without carrying it through the math above. Look in your processor manual to see which timer registers are zero-based.

The effect of the prescaler register is seen in Figure 4-8. The system clock toggles regularly. With a prescaler value of two, the prescaled clock (the input to our timer subsystem) toggles at half the system clock speed. The timer counts up. The processor notes when the timer matches the compare register (set to 3 in the diagram). When the timer matches, it may either continue counting up or reset, depending on the processor and the configuration settings.

Before getting back to the timer on the ATtiny45, note that the registers needed to make a timer work generally consist of the following:

Timer counter

This holds the changing value of the timer (the number of ticks since the timer was last reset).

Compare register (or capture compare register or match register)

When the timer counter equals this register, an action is taken. There may be more than one compare register for each timer. 

Action register (or auto-reload register)

This register sets up an action to take when the timer and compare register are the same. (For some timers, these actions are also available when the timer overflows, which is like having a compare register set to the maximum value of the timer counter.) There are four types of possible actions to be configured (one or more may happen):

  • Interrupt

  • Stop or continue counting

  • Reload the counter

  • Set an output pin to high, low, toggle, or no change

Clock configure register (optional)

This register tells a subsystem which clock source to use, though the default may be the system clock. Some processors have timers that even allow a clock to be attached to an input pin. You can often choose whether to count up or down; I’ll be using count-up with these examples but the process is similar for count-down.

Prescaler register

As shown in Figure 4-8, this reduces the fast incoming clock so that it runs more slowly, allowing timers to happen for slower events.

Control register

This sets the timer to start counting once it has been configured. Often the control register also has a way to reset the timer. 

Interrupt register (may be multiple)

If you have timer interrupts, you will need to use the appropriate interrupt register to enable, clear, and check the status of each timer interrupt. 

Figure 4-8. Timer prescaling and matching

Setting up a timer is processor-specific; the user manual generally will guide you through setting up each of these registers. Your processor user manual may give the registers slightly different names. A good way of understanding how to use a timer is to look at a chip vendor’s sample code: it usually includes a few examples that configure timers in various ways. You should walk through the example code line-by-line, with the datasheet in front of you, to make sure you understand how the timer is configured.


Instead of a compare register, your processor might allow you to trigger the timer actions only when the timer overflows. This is an implicit match value of two to the number of bits in the timer register, minus 1 (e.g., for an 8-bit timer, (28) – 1 = 255). By tweaking the prescaler, most timer values are achievable without too much error.

Doing the Math

I’m about to show the math needed to configure a timer. Feel free to skim or skip ahead to “Using Pulse-Width Modulation” and come back when you need the math. Also, check out this book’s GitHub repository for some calculators that let you go through this math without following my algebra here.

Timers are made to deal with physical time scales, so you need to relate a series of registers to an actual time. Remember that the frequency (e.g., 10 Hz) is inversely proportional to the period (e.g., 0.1 seconds). 

The basic equation for the relationship between the interrupt frequency, clock input, prescaler, and compare register is:

interruptFrequency = clockIn / (prescaler * compare)

This is an optimization problem. You know the clockIn and the goal, interrupt​Frequency. You need to adjust the prescaler and compare registers until the interrupt frequency is close enough to the goal. If there were no other limitations, this would be an easy problem to solve (but it isn’t always so easy).

Returning to the ATtiny45’s 8-bit timer, 4 MHz system clock, and goal frequency of 20 Hz, we can export the constraints we’ll need to use to solve the equation:

  • These are integer values, so the prescaler and compare register have to be whole numbers. This constraint is true for any processor.

  • The compare register has to lie between 0 and 255 (because the timer register is eight bits in size).

  • The prescaler on the ATtiny45 is 10 bits, so the maximum prescaler is 1,023. (The size of your prescaler may be different.)

The prescaler for this subsystem is not shared with other peripherals, so we don’t need to be concerned about this potential constraint for our solution (yet).

There are several heuristics for finding a prescaler and compare register that will provide the interrupt frequency needed (see Figure 4-9).


I asked two math professors how to solve this problem in a generic manner. The answers I got back were interesting. The most interesting part was learning that this problem is NP-complete for two reasons: integers are involved, and it is a nonlinear, two-variable problem. Thanks, Professor Ross and Professor Patton! 

Figure 4-9. Heuristic for finding the register values for a goal interrupt frequency

We can determine the minimum prescaler by rearranging the equation and setting the compare register to its maximum value:

prescaler = clockIn / (compare * interruptFrequency)
      = 4 MHz / (255 * 20 Hz)

Unfortunately, the resulting prescaler value is a floating-point number (784.31). If you round up (785), you end up with an interrupt frequency of 19.98 Hz, which is an error of less than a tenth of a percent.

If you round down on the prescaler (784), the interrupt frequency will be above the goal, and you may be able to decrease the compare register to get the timer to be about right. With prescaler = 784 and compare = 255, the error is 0.04%. However, marketing asked for high precision, and there are some methods to find a better prescaler.

First, note that you want the product of the prescaler and compare register to equal the clock input divided by the goal frequency:

prescaler * compare = clockIn / interruptFrequency = 4 MHz/20 Hz = 200,000

This is a nice, round number, easily factored into 1,000 (prescaler) and 200 (compare register). This is the best and easiest solution to optimizing the prescaler and compare: determine the factors of (clockIn/interruptFrequency) and arrange them into prescaler and compare. However, this requires the (clockIn/interrupt​Fre⁠quency) to be an integer and the factors to split easily into the sizes allowed for the registers. It isn’t always possible to use this method.

More Math: Difficult Goal Frequency

As we move along to another blink frequency requested by marketing (8.5 Hz, or an interrupt frequency of 17 Hz), the new target is:

prescaler * compare = clockIn / interruptFrequency = 4 MHz/17 Hz = 235294.1

There is no simple factorization of this floating-point number. We can verify that a result is possible by calculating the minimum prescaler (we did that earlier by setting the compare register to its maximum value). The result (923) will fit in our 10-bit register. We can calculate the percent error using the following:

error = 100 * (goal interrupt frequency - actual) / goal

With the minimum prescaler, we get an error of 0.03%. This is pretty close, but we may be able to get closer.

Set the prescaler to its maximum value, and see what the options are. In this case, a prescaler of 1,023 leads to a compare value of 230 and an error of less than 0.02%, which is a little better. But can we reduce the error further?

For larger timers, you might try a binary search for a good value, starting out with the minimum prescaler. Double it, and then look at the prescaler values that are +/– 1 to find a compare register that is the closest whole number. If the resulting frequency is not close enough, repeat the doubling of the modified prescaler. Unfortunately, with our example, we can’t double our prescaler and stay within the bounds of the 10-bit number.

Finally, another way to find the solution is to use a script or program (e.g., MATLAB or Excel) and use brute force to try out the options, as shown in the procedure below. Start by finding the minimum and maximum prescaler values (by setting the compare register to 1). Limit the minimum and maximum so they are integers and fit into the correct number of bits. Then, for each whole number in that range, calculate the compare register for the goal interrupt frequency. Round the compare register to the nearest whole number, and calculate the actual interrupt frequency. This method led to a prescaler of 997, a compare register of 236, and a tiny error of 0.0009%. A brute-force solution like this will give you the smallest error, but will probably take the most developer time. Determine what error you can live with, and go on to other things once you’ve met that goal.

Brute-force method for finding the lowest error interrupt frequency register value:

  1. Calculate the minimum and maximum prescaler values:

    m i n P r e s c a l e r = c l o c k I n p u t g o a l F r e q u e n c y × m a x C o m p a r e = 4 M H z 17 H z × 255 = 922 m a x P r e s c a l e r = c l o c k I n p u t g o a l F r e q u e n c y × m a x C o m p a r e = 4 M H z 17 H z × 1 = 235,294 exceeds max = 2 10 1 = 1,023
  2. For each prescaler value from 922 to 1,023, calculate a compare value:

    c o m p a r e = c l o c k I n p u t g o a l F r e q u e n c y × p r e s c a l e r = 4 M H z 20 H z × 922 = 255.2 = r o u n d ( 255.2 ) 255

    Use the calculated compare value to determine the interrupt frequency with these values:

    i n t e r r u p t F r e q u e n c y = clockInput prescaler*compare = 4mHz 923*255 = 17 . 013 H z

    Calculate the error:

    e r r o r % = 100 × a b s ( g o a l F r e q u e n c y i n t e r r u p t F r e q u e n c y ) g o a l F r e q u e n c y = 100 × a b s ( 17 H z 17.013 ) 17 H z = 0.08 %
  3. Find the prescaler and compare registers with the least error.

A Long Wait Between Timer Ticks

Brute force works well for 17 Hz, but when you get the goal output of 13 Hz (marketing’s new 2 ×  6.5 Hz goal), the minimum prescaler that you can calculate is more than 10 bits. The timer cannot fit in the 8-bit timer. This is shown as an exception in the flowchart (Figure 4-9). The simplest solution is to use a larger timer if you can. The ATtiny45’s 16-bit timer can alleviate this problem because its maximum compare value is 65,535 instead of the 8-bit 255, so we can use a smaller prescaler.

If a larger timer is unavailable, another solution is to disconnect the I/O line from the timer and call an interrupt when the timer expires. The interrupt can increment a variable and take action when the variable is large enough. For example, to get to 13 Hz, we could have a 26 Hz timer and toggle the LED every other time the interrupt is called. This method is less precise because there could be delays due to other interrupts.

Using a Timer

Once you have determined your settings, the hard part is over, but there are a few more things to do:

  • Remove the code in the main function to toggle the LED. Now the main loop will need only a set of prescaler and compare registers to cycle through when the button is pressed.

  • Write the interrupt handler that toggles the LED.

  • Configure the pin. Some processors will connect any timer to any output, whereas others will allow a timer to change a pin only with special settings. For the processor that doesn’t support a timer on the pin, you will need to have an interrupt handler in the code that toggles only the pin of interest.

  • Configure timer settings and start the timer.

Using Pulse-Width Modulation

Market research has shown that potential customers are bothered by the brightness of the LED, saying its laser-like intensity is blinding them. Marketing wants to try out different brightness settings (100%, 80%, 70%, and 50%), using the button to switch between the options.

This assignment gives us a fine opportunity to explore pulse-width modulation (PWM), which determines how long a pin stays high or low before toggling. PWMs operate continuously, turning a peripheral on and then off on a regular schedule. The cycle is usually very fast, on the order of milliseconds (or hundreds of Hz).

PWM signals often drive motors and LEDs (though motors require a bit more hardware support). Using PWM, the processor can control the amount of power the hardware gets. Using some inexpensive electronics, the output of a PWM pin can be smoothed to be the average signal. For LEDs, though, no additional electronics are necessary. The brightness is relative to the amount of time the LED is on during each cycle.

A timer is a set of pulses that are all alike, so the timer signal is 50% high and 50% low (this is known as a 50% duty cycle). In PWM, the pulses’ widths change depending on the situation. So a PWM can have a different ratio. A PWM with a 100% duty cycle is always on, like a high level of an output pin. And a 0% duty cycle represents a pin that has been driven (or pulled) low. The duty cycle represents the average value of the signal, as shown by the dashed line in Figure 4-10.

Figure 4-10. PWM duty cycles: 20%, 50%, and 80%

Given the timer from “Using a Timer”, we could implement a PWM with an interrupt. For our 20 Hz LED example, we had a compare register of 200, so that every 200 ticks, the timer interrupt would do something (toggle the LED). If we wanted the LED to be on 80% of the time with a 20 Hz timer (instead of the 50% we were doing earlier), we could ping-pong between two interrupts that would set the compare register at every pass:

  • Timer interrupt 1

    • Turn LED on.

    • Set the compare register to 160 (80% of 200).

    • Reset the timer.

  • Timer interrupt 2

    • Turn LED off.

    • Set the compare register to 40 (20% of 200).

    • Reset the timer.

With a 20 Hz timer, this would probably look like a very quick series of flashes instead of a dim LED. The problem is that the 20 Hz timer is too slow. The more you increase the frequency, the more the LED will look dim instead of blinking. However, a faster frequency means more interrupts.

There is a way to carry out this procedure in the processor. In the previous section, the configurable actions included whether to reset the counter as well as how to set the pin. Many timers have multiple compare registers and allow different actions for each one. Thus, a PWM output can be set with two compare registers, one to control the switching frequency and one to control the duty cycle.

For example, the bottom of Figure 4-10 shows a timer counting up and being reset. This represents the switching frequency set by a compare register. We’ll name this compare register A and set it to 100. When this value is reached, the timer is reset and the LED is turned on. The duty cycle is set with a different register (compare register B, set to 80) that turns the LED off but allows the timer to continue counting.

Which pins can act as PWM outputs depends on your processor, though often they are a subset of the pins that can act as timer outputs. The PWM section of the processor user manual may be separate from the timer section. Also, there are different PWM controller configurations, often for particular applications (motors are often finicky about which type of PWM they require).

For our LED, once the PWM is set up, the code only needs to modify the duty cycle when the button is pressed. As with timers, the main function doesn’t control the LED directly at all.

Although dimming the LED is what marketing requested, there are other neat applications you can try out. To get a snoring effect, where the LED fades in and out, you’ll need to modify the duty cycle in increments. If you have tricolor LEDs, you can use PWM control to set the three LED colors to different levels, providing a whole palette of options.

Shipping the Product

Marketing has found the perfect LED (blue), blink rate (8 Hz), and brightness (100%), and is ready to ship the product as soon as you set the parameters.

It all seems so simple to just set the parameters and ship the code. However, what does the code look like right now? Did the timer code get morphed into the PWM code, or is the timer interrupt still around? With a brightness of 100%, the PWM code isn’t needed any longer. In fact, the button code can go. The ability to choose an LED at runtime is no longer needed. The old board layout can be forgotten in the future. Before shipping the code and freezing development, let’s try to reduce the spaghetti into something less tangled.

A product starts out as an idea and often takes a few iterations to solidify into reality. Engineers often have good imaginations for how things will work. Not everyone is so lucky, so a good prototype can go a long way toward defining the goal.

However, keeping around unneeded code clutters the codebase (see the left side of Figure 4-11). Unused code (or worse, code that has been commented out) is frustrating for the next person who doesn’t know why things were removed. Avoid that as much as possible. Instead, trust that your version control system can recover old code. Don’t be afraid to tag, branch, or release a development version internally. It will help you find the removed features after you prune the code for shipment.

Figure 4-11. Comparing spaghetti prototyping code with a simpler design

In this example, many things are easy to remove because they just aren’t needed. One thing that is harder to decide about is the dependency injection. It increases flexibility for future changes, which is a good reason for leaving it in. However, when you have to allocate a specific timer to a specific I/O pin, the configuration of the system becomes more processor-dependent and rigid. The cost of forcing it to be flexible can be high if you try to build a file to handle every contingency. In this case, I considered the idea and weighed the cost of making a file I’d never want to show anyone with the benefit of reducing the chance of writing bugs in the I/O subsystem. I chose to make more readable files, even if it means a few initial bugs, but I respect either option.

On the right side of Figure 4-11, the codebase is trimmed down, using only the modules it needs. It keeps the I/O mapping header file, even with definitions for the old board because the cost is low (it is in a separate file for easy maintenance and requires no additional processor cycles). Embedded systems engineers tend to end up with the oldest hardware (karmic payback for the time at the beginning of the project when we had the newest hardware). You may need the old board header file for future development. Pretty much everything else that isn’t critical can go into version control and then be removed from the project.

It hurts to see effort thrown away. But you haven’t! All of the other code was necessary to make the prototypes that were required to make the product. The code aided marketing, and you learned a lot while writing and testing it. The best part about developing the prototype code is that the final code can look clean because you explored the options.

You need to balance the flexibility of leaving all of the code in with the maintainability of a codebase that is easy to understand. Now that you’ve written it once, trust that your future self can write it again (if you have to).

Further Reading

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