Absorptive capacity, 77
Actor-determined relationships, 36
Adversarialism, 105
Aware and latent publics, organizations, 102
Bowling Alone (Putnam), 47
Boundary-spanning activities, 95–98
Boundary spanning over time, 95–97
Campaigns, communication, 105–108, 118
Cancer Information Service Research Consortium (CISRC), 58, 60–61, 68
Centering Resonance Analysis (CRA), 84–85
Centralized vs. decentralized communication networks, 66
CISRC. See Cancer Information Service Research Consortium
Citizen journalists, 99
Citizen movement, 99
Citizen scientists, 99
Collectivistic identity orientations, 100
Communication costs, 72, 73
“Communication metamyth,” 4
Communication networks, 64
Communication Privacy Management (CPM) theory, 49
Competency ...
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