Chapter 5
Managing Advanced Team Matters
In This Chapter
Coaching a team to self-manage and grow
Encouraging special teams: Project and task teams
Considering employee incentives and rewards
Self-directed may be the opposite of your very definition of team, but a lot of advantages exist for turning ownership over to a team and its members. Doing so isn't without some challenges, however. Nor is arranging and managing a project or task team — those temporary affiliations brought together to complete a project or suggest solutions to an issue. How you reward teams or individual employees for jobs well done brings up another complicated set of questions to address.
But, hey — this is what you signed up for, right? As a manager, you have to be ready for handling details of all kinds, all while keeping your teams moving productively toward their goals.
Don't worry. Within this chapter you get advice for dealing with some of the more advanced (and interesting!) matters that you may face.
Managing without Supervisors: Self-Directed Teams
The idea of self-directed teams is to tap into employee potential and enable workers to take ownership of their jobs in reaching higher levels of productivity ...
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