acceptance, 121, 122
achievable goals, 162
action plan, 207–209
action plan worksheet, 208
activism, 182, 183
activities change worksheet, 160
adaptability, 166
adaptation, 41–42
affiliation, 39
aided brand awareness, 144
Alderson Federal Prison Camp,
The Alice Comedies (films), 63
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
(Lewis Carroll), 31
alignment, 182
All God’s Children Need Traveling Shoes
(Maya Angelou), 45
alliance, 182
Angelos, Tosh, 44
Angelou, Maya, 43–45
anti-essence, 102
appreciativeness, 69
Armstrong, T. Alan, on passion,
Baldwin, James, 45
benchmarking, 7
Berry, Wendell, on the past, 34
BlackBerry, 141
BMW, 117
The Body Shop, 97–98
The Body Shop Foundation, 98
Bono, 15
Coca-Cola as example of, 6–7
definition of, 10
iconic, 15–16
products vs., 9–10
thinking of yourself as a, 2–3
brand assessment
personal, 24–26
Roger as example of, 26–29
brand audit, 33–55
Maya Angelou as example of,
and experiences, 34–35
Harley-Davidson example of,
Julie as example of, 50–54
and life phases, 37–42
personal application of, 46–47
self-awareness in, 48–50
worksheet for, 49
brand awareness, 121, 122, 144
brand equity
chart of, 80–82
personal, 77
and strengths, 80–84
brand essence, 95–107
of The Body Shop, 97–98
enhancement of, 209
finding your, 99–100
importance of, 95

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