Future Vision
Team Members Seek Ways Out of the Building Modeling Haze
Designers and constructors struggle to craft kinder, gentler business models (Reprinted courtesy of Engineering News-Record, copyright © BNP Media, June 5, 2006. All rights reserved.)
By Nadine M. Post, Engineering News Record
“We're at the kick-off meeting for a great project. All the players are present. The surfaces of the room are filled with digital screens, caves, images (think Tom Cruise … Minority Report). The group can see and access all project data compiled to date to get a jump-start. We begin to use BIM on day one, by capturing goals and expectations, developing and validating program and scope. We gut-check the budget and even begin to generate project and systems options in 3D, 4D and 5D. Everyone on the team sees this integrated data live as we generate it. With immediate consensus and no time lag waiting for meeting notes, we get done the equivalent of an entire phase in a day or two.
“After a BIM-enabled social team-building session, we resume the next steps and evolve the BIM through what used to be known as ‘phases.’ We use it throughout the entire concurrent design, construction and commissioning process.
With the time saved from submittals, review and rework, we finish early and under budget. The owner moves in, we deliver the digital asset for facilities management and celebrate with a weekend on the owner's yacht.”
This particular building information ...
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