CHAPTER 14Entrepreneurship: Vertical Integration and Value Propositions


Scott Marble, AIA

William H. Harrison Chair, Professor, School of Architecture, Georgia Tech

11th October 2017

Image of Scott Marble, who is an architect, educator, and author focused on technology in architecture and design process, is a founding partner of Marble Fairbanks Architects in New York.

Rethinking Relationships, Delivering Value or “Giving Them the Business”

Doublequotes_iconNot just managing design, but “designing” design … the way design is positioned in our industry is flawed in many ways. I'm pushing for a rethinking, not only of design, but of the overall relationships and dynamics that exist in our industry.

I enjoyed your and Dennis Shelden's conference at Georgia Tech, the Digital Building Lab Symposium: AEC Entrepreneurship and the Future of Practice. Great people, ...

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