Common Tasks

This section shows examples of common tasks you’ll perform every day using cyradm: listing, creating, and deleting mailboxes; setting quotas; and setting ACLs.

Listing Mailboxes

The listmailbox (or lm) command returns a list of mailbox names that match the pattern given as an argument. The pattern can contain one of the wildcard characters asterisk (*) or percent (%). The * wildcard matches zero or more characters. The % wildcard is like the * wildcard, except that it only matches mailboxes at a single level in the mailbox hierarchy.

You can list all the users on the system by listing their top-level mailboxes (remember, a top-level mailbox is essentially the same as a username in the Cyrus namespace):

localhost>listmailbox user.%

To list all mailboxes one level below abt0003 ’s top-level mailbox, you would use the % wildcard character to restrict output to include only that level:

localhost>listmailbox user.abt0003.%
user.abt0003.drafts     user.abt0003.sent-mail

To list all users whose usernames begin with the letters abt, you would again use the % wildcard to restrict output to only top-level mailboxes:

localhost> listmailbox user.abt%
user.abt0003  user.abt0008

The next example shows how the * wildcard character returns mailboxes that match the pattern at all levels of the mailbox hierarchy:

localhost>listmailbox user.abt*
user.abt0003            user.abt0003.sent-mail  user.abt0008.drafts
user.abt0003.drafts     user.abt0008

Creating a Mailbox or Adding a User

The createmailbox (cm ...

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