Chapter 3
Breaking into the Millennial Mind
Answering the questions: “Who is the next generation? And why?”
Uncovering the events and conditions that shaped the Millennial perspective
Pinpointing the traits and values that are key elements of the Millennial persona
Cutting through the clutter of harmful stereotypes
“Millennials win the generational popularity contest!” said no one, ever. Let’s face it … Millennials have a bad PR problem. They’re portrayed, not on a spectrum, but as one of two poles — either the best thing that’s ever happened to the working world, or the absolute worst.
At their worst, Millennials are stereotyped as entitled, narcissistic, coddled, lazy, sensitive, tech addicts. These less-than-flattering descriptors form a thick fog of negativity that can be hard to see through. The fog is so dense that even on day 1 of a new job, they’re already fighting an uphill battle. It’s hard for Millennials to make a good first impression because their colleagues’ and managers’ opinions are so clouded by the negative associations of what it means to be a Millennial. ...
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