Chapter 18
Ten Things that Motivate Millennials Other than Money
Boosting your ability to think outside the box
Discovering unexpected win-wins
Knowing where to draw the line while granting Millennials freedom
With a group as complex as Millennials, it can be easy to believe there is a holy grail that will unlock them. As generational researchers, we’re happy to tell you that there is, and by picking up this book you’ve found it. Did we just equate this book to the holy grail? Yes, yes we did. But the “secret” to deciphering Millennials isn’t a secret at all. It simply takes an understanding of who Millennials are, where they come from, and what motivates them to get the most from them in the workplace. And it may not come as a surprise that what motivates them isn’t what motivated generations past. Salaries are great, because, as it turns out, adulthood is 50 percent paying bills. But cold hard cash won’t ensure Millennials are working to their full potential or challenged and happy enough to stay at your organization.
This chapter explores nonmonetary methods to light the passion flame in your Millennials. We uncover how to incentivize them while also setting boundaries ...
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