Chapter 2.

Baby Boomers:Trendsetters to the End

Before long, the baby-boom generation—some of the ’60s crowd is now in its 60s—will begin packing [nursing home] facilities. When old rock and rollers show up with their walkers—trendsetters to the end— the nursing homes might well become the hottest singles scene going.

— Dirk Johnson and Julie Scelfo,

“Sex, Love, and Nursing Homes,”

Newsweek, December 15, 2003

MOST RESEARCHERS DEFINE the huge Baby Boom generation as those born between 1946 and 1964. However, every day we meet people born after 1953 who tell us they can’t identify with the “old rock and rollers” and feel like proverbial fish out of water. Their voices have become too loud for us to ignore. While all Boomers share much in common—namely, ...

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