
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


access dates, partitioning users by, Partitioning users by last access dateReducer code, Querying for user reputation by last access dateDriver code
anonymizing data, MotivationReducer code, Anonymous comments and distinct usersDriver code
antijoin operations, A Refresher on Joins
Apache Hadoop (see Hadoop)
audio, trends in nature of data, Images, Audio, and Video
averages, calculating, Average exampleData flow diagram


BigTable design (Google), Google BigTable
binning pattern
description, Pattern DescriptionPerformance analysis
examples, Binning by Hadoop-related tagsMapper code
Bloom filtering pattern
description, Pattern DescriptionPerformance analysis
examples, Hot listMapper Code
reduce side joins with, Reputable user and comment joinComment mapper code
Bloom filters
about, Overview
downsides, Downsides
tweaking, Tweaking Your Bloom Filter
use cases, Use CasesGoogle BigTable
Bloom, Burton Howard, Overview
BloomFilter class, Bloom filter training


Cartesian product pattern
description, Pattern DescriptionPerformance Analysis
examples, Comment ComparisonMapper code
Cartesian products, A Refresher on Joins
chain folding
about, Chain FoldingChain Folding ...

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