Installing and configuring a dual master

As shown in the previous chapters, you can use Vagrantfile to easily install MariaDB:

# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : # Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing! # VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2" # Insert all your Vms with configs boxes = [ { :name => :master1, :role => 'db', :ip => '' }, # master node 1 { :name => :master2, :role => 'db', :ip => '' }, # master node 2 { :name => :loadbalancer, :role => 'lb', :ip => '' }, # load balancer 1 { :name => :loadbalancer2, :role => 'lb', :ip => '' }, # load balancer 2 { :name => :drbd1, :role => 'drbd', :ip => '' }, # drbd 1 { :name => :drbd2, :role => 'drbd', ...

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