Chapter 18
Ten Common Marketing Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)
In This Chapter
Understanding that marketing to everyone and relying on discounts hurts profits
Recognizing the importance of treating all customers (even angry ones) with respect
Perhaps nothing’s worse than reinventing the wheel — especially if you invent a square one. This chapter presents ten all-too-common marketing mistakes so you know how to avoid them and keep your sales and marketing efforts on track.
Buying into Too-Good-to-Be-True Website Claims
Every day marketers are barraged with tempting offers for too-good-to-be-real web results. Hundreds of web marketing agencies or businesses claim to be able to boost web page traffic dramatically or to create instant popularity on social media sites. Buyer beware! Most of these claims are ludicrous. And often they verge toward the deceptive and unethical, if not being outright cases of fraud.
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