abandonment rate. A metric used to evaluate websites. It is the number of people who begin a purchase but do not complete it as a percentage of the number of people who begin a purchase transaction.

active contributors. A metric used to evaluate the effectiveness of social media efforts. It is the number of people who actively participated in a social conversation in a given period of time.

activity. A metric used to evaluate the effectiveness of social media efforts. It is the number of comments, re-tweets or other activities demonstrating social connectivity. Also known as posts, comments, ideas and threads.

advertising. When a company pays to communicate a message in verbal and/or visual formats to an audience through a particular media.

advertising allowances. Offered by manufacturers who sell products to intermediaries, such as retailers, it is a pre-negotiated dollar amount that the manufacturer will deduct from the total purchase price if the retailer agrees to spend those dollars on advertising that promotes the manufacturer’s products.

advertising flights. Advertising that is placed consistently over a specified period of time, then discontinued and resumed after a hiatus. Flights are designed to maximise the customer’s recall for the price paid, and studies show an appropriately timed hiatus will reduce the cost without significant loss in customer recall.

advertising value equivalency. A metric that measures the effectiveness of media relations. It is an attempt ...

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