

A380 jet, 6566

A3XX, world's largest plane, 5455

production issues, 55

Account management, importance of, 355

Acker, Newton, 283

Ackman, William, 177

Ad campaign by Boston Beer, 269

Adamy, Janet, 82, 84n23, 86n25, 258nn8, 9, 259n11

Advertising, 6, 392393

Doyle Dane Bernbach advertising agency, 12

effectiveness of, measuring, 12

in Internet era, 236

targeted advertising, 6

Ahmed, Azam, 152n18

Airborne warning and control systems (AWACS), 51

Airbus Industrie, 5356

A320 twinjets, 55

background of, 5356

British Airlines order, 56

competitive position, 5556

competitive strengths, 56

market share importance, 53

US Air support, 56

world's largest plane by, 54

issues in, 55

Airliner wars, 5071, See also Boeing vs. Airbus

AirTran Airways, acquisition of, 342343

Akers, John, 216, 218

Alderson, Wroe, 384n1

All Nippon Airways (ANA), 65, 175, 179

American Motors Corporation (AMC), acquisition by Chrysler, 110

Analytical marketing tools, 395

Anders, George, 151n14

Anderson, Curt, 322

Andrews, Anthony P., 320n26

Android, Google's mobile platform, 241242

Anheuser-Busch, 270

Apotheker, Léo, 37

AppAssure acquisition by Dell, 43

‘Apps’ for mobiles, 38

Aramony, William, 216217, 219, 223, 382, 395, 397

Armstrong, Sean, 301n4, 303n8

Athanassiades, Ted, 302

Austin, J Paul, 13

Autonomy software company, H-P acquisition with, 37

Aviation slump in the early 1990s, 61


Bailey, David, 317n18

Bailey, Jeff, 67

Banker, Coldwell, 145

Banks, Howard, 56nn8, 11, 59n14

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