
after-only with control group design
True experimental design that involves random assignment of subjects or test units to experimental and control groups, but no premeasurement of the dependent variable.
ad hoc mail surveys
Questionnaires sent to selected names and addresses without prior contact by the researcher; sometimes called one-shot mail surveys.
allowable sampling error
Amount of sampling error the researcher is willing to accept.
Drawing a comparison between two items in terms of their similarities.
analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Test for the differences among the means of two or more independent samples.
applied research
Research aimed at solving a specific, pragmatic problem—better understanding of the marketplace, determination of why a strategy or tactic failed, or reduction of uncertainty in management decision making.
Enduring organization of motivational, emotional, perceptual, and cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of a person’s environment.
balanced scales
Measurement scales that have the same number of positive and negative categories.
basic, or pure, research
Research aimed at expanding the frontiers of knowledge rather than solving a specific, pragmatic problem.
before and after with control group design
True experimental design that involves random assignment of subjects or test units to experimental and control groups and pre- and postmeasurements of both groups.
behavioral targeting
The use of online and offline data to understand ...

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