Chapter 23
Intermediate Content = List
We touched on e-mail distribution lists back in Chapter 9. In that chapter, we identified three types of e-mail lists:
1. Your own list.
2. Joint venture lists.
3. E-mail distribution lists.
In this chapter, we'll talk about how you can use your intermediate content to develop your own e-mail list. Obviously, one of the most valuable pieces of information you can get from people is their e-mail address. Once you have that, you can stay in touch with them far into the future. Chapter 22 showed you how to leverage your beginner content by using it in seven different ways on different platforms and catering to different audiences in different places. That's a great lesson in how to get more exposure with less work. But there's one thing we haven't discussed yet and it's just as important as leveraging your content. Wherever you offer your free beginner content, you must tell your audience what else you offer (your intermediate and advanced content) and include a call to action so they know how to get it. Your beginner content demonstrates your expertise, but your intermediate content is where your audience starts to interact with you. Your intermediate content is the beginning of your sales funnel.
Let's say you have a 17-page white paper as your intermediate content. Maybe it reveals new trends in your industry. Perhaps it lists the top ...