Chapter 70
Pimp Your Profile
Do you have a killer LinkedIn profile?
Turns out, there are tons of things you can do to spice it up. Here's the thing: people are visiting your profile whether you realize it or not. They're poking around, reading your stuff, and you almost never hear about their experience. So it makes sense to make your profile as impressive as you possibly can. The key to beefing up your profile lies in the “applications” available. On the top navigation bar, click “More” and then “Get more applications.” There are many options; let's look at a few.
WordPress or Blog Link
These blog-related applications allow you to integrate your blog with your profile. By doing so, any blog posts you publish will automatically populate your LinkedIn profile at the same time. There are two applications relating to blogs: one for WordPress and one for all the others (Blog Link). So depending on which platform you're using, select the appropriate application and get it installed.
Amazon Bookshelf
If you've written a book, it makes good sense to use the Amazon Bookshelf application to highlight that book on your profile. Not only will it add credibility by showing the title you've published but it'll also include a link to Amazon where people can buy your book. Incidentally, you can easily write a 20- or 30-page PDF document and sell it on Amazon for a few dollars. In other words, it doesn't need to be a full book. You can take a document you already have and set it up as ...