Solutions for Chapter 3

  1. 3.1.a The convergences follow from b03-math-0514 and b03-math-0515. The monotone convergence theorem or the Abel theorem allows to conclude.
  2. 3.1.b The first result follows from the strong Markov property (Theorem 2.1.3). The second from classic result on products of power series and convolutions.
  3. 3.1.c For the first, use
  4. For the second, use b03-math-0517 is equal to
  5. 3.1.d If b03-math-0519 is odd, then b03-math-0520, if b03-math-0521 is even, then b03-math-0522, and
  6. As with equality if and only if , then for and for . Thus, the random walk is recurrent ...

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