

[1] Entrevista personal.

[2] Ovum.

[3] Tiefel, J. (2009), «Chaos By Design: An Interview with the CEO of Zain», Voices on Transformation, 3, McKinsey & Company.

[4] Basado en la aplicación de la herramienta de análisis del desempeño corporativo de McKinsey desarrollada por Richard Foster y Sarah Caplan, y ampliamente utilizada en las investigaciones para su libro Creative Destruction: Why Companies that Are Built to Last Underperform the Market —And How to Successfully Transform Them, Nueva York, Doubleday/Currency, 2001.

[5] Entrevista personal.

[6] Oliveira, F., «Transforming a High-Performing Company: An Interview with Roberto Setubal», McKinsey Quarterly, abril de 2009.

[7] «I Can’t Get No… Job Satisfaction, ...

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