The gatekeeper will need to work with a person with good data profiling skills who, ideally, should already be part of the MDM core team or a member of the IT group who is supporting the MDM initiative. This person will be needed to help compile user access data and produce the end reports or views in the formats we'll be describing here. This person should also be aware of, or should inquire about, any data profiling, IAM-oriented, or MDM-oriented tools that may be available in the company and able to be utilized for any of the preparation, profiling, and reporting tasks involved in this process. Any technology that can greatly assist with the extensibility, repeatability, and automation of this process should not be overlooked.
With or without technology assistance, there are basic ingredients needed in the data access management process for preparation of the gatekeeper role. This includes employee data, user access management requirements, user group names, and the mapping of this information.
Employee Data
This comes in two flavors:
1. Employee access data. This data should cover all users with any assigned privileges (the privileges may also be referred to as responsibilities or rights) that allow any form of create, update, delete, or read-only capability with the customer master data. This data should include at least the employee name, employee ID, and the assigned privileges.
2. Employee HR data. This data will provide additional internal information about ...
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