Master Your Mac

Book description

Mac OS X is so easy a monkey could use it, right? Well, half right. Beneath that glossy surface the fearless user will find lots of powerful features that aren't immediately obvious. Master Your Mac aims to help users cross that divide.

Table of contents

  1. Master Your Mac
  2. Dedication
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. Introduction
    1. What This Book Is About
    2. What’s in This Book
  5. I. Back to Basics
    1. 1. The Best Shortcuts (and How to Make Your Own)
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Using Keyboard Shortcuts Built into OS X
        1. Learning Keyboard Shortcuts
        2. Changing System-Level Keyboard Shortcuts
        3. Changing and Adding Application-Level Keyboard Shortcuts
      3. Creating Your Own Shortcut Commands
      4. Additional Ideas for Controlling Your Mac with Keyboard Shortcuts
    2. 2. Starting Applications Automatically at Login
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Adding Login Items
      3. Adding Global Login Items
      4. Resuming Applications and Reopening Windows at Login
      5. Configuring Advanced Login Item Settings with Exhaust
      6. Additional Ideas for Starting Applications Automatically at Login
    3. 3. Finding Files and Folders Fast
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Mastering Spotlight Searches
        1. Improving Spotlight’s Search Results
        2. Using Operators to Focus Searches
        3. Adding Metadata to Find Files Quickly with Spotlight
        4. Rebuilding Spotlight’s Index
      3. Using Find Any File to Search for Files and Folders
      4. Additional Ideas for Finding Files and Folders
    4. 4. Organizing Windows
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Switching Between Applications
        1. Opening Files with the Application Switcher
        2. Cycling Through Windows
      3. Mission Control: The Ultimate Application and Window Switcher
        1. Configuring Mission Control’s Settings
        2. Switching Between Applications and Windows with Mission Control
        3. Creating Virtual Desktops with Spaces
      4. Maximizing Your Screen Space
        1. Using Divvy
        2. Using Moom
        3. Using Cinch
      5. Additional Ideas for Managing Applications and Windows
    5. 5. Cleaning House
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Removing Applications with Launchpad
      3. Removing Applications with AppCleaner
      4. Removing Preference Panes
      5. Additional Ideas for Removing Applications
    6. 6. Adjusting Energy and Display Settings
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Understanding Energy and Display Settings
      3. Temporarily Disabling Energy Settings
        1. Getting Started with Caffeine
        2. Turning Caffeine On and Off
      4. Adjusting Your Display’s Color at Night
      5. Additional Ideas for Adjusting Energy and Display Settings
  6. II. Boosting Productivity
    1. 7. Launching Applications Fast
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Getting Your Feet Wet with Spotlight
      3. Configuring Spotlight as an Application Launcher
      4. Using Alfred
        1. Setting Up Alfred
        2. Doing Math
        3. Defining and Spelling Words
        4. Searching the Internet
        5. Finding Files
        6. Controlling Your Computer
        7. Doing Even More with Alfred
      5. Using LaunchBar
        1. Setting Up LaunchBar
        2. Training LaunchBar to Remember Abbreviations
        3. Launching Items Fast
        4. Accessing Websites
        5. Composing Email Messages
        6. Scheduling Calendar Events
        7. Playing Songs with iTunes
        8. Doing Even More with LaunchBar
      6. Additional Ideas for Using Application Launchers
    2. 8. Customizing Trackpad and Mouse Gestures
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Using Gestures in OS X
        1. Learning to Use Gestures
        2. Customizing and Disabling Gestures
      3. Customizing Gestures with Third-Party Applications
        1. Using MagicPrefs
        2. Using jitouch
        3. Using BetterTouchTool
      4. Additional Ideas for Customizing Trackpad and Mouse Gestures
    3. 9. Connecting Multiple Displays to Your Mac
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Connecting the Displays to Your Mac
        1. Determining the Type of Port on Your Mac
        2. Finding the Right Adapter
      3. Adjusting Display Settings in OS X
        1. Positioning the Monitors
        2. Adjusting Display Settings
      4. Controlling How Windows Are Positioned and Displayed
      5. Making the Menu Bar Available Everywhere
      6. Keeping a MacBook Awake with the Lid Closed
      7. Additional Ideas for Connecting Multiple Displays to Your Mac
    4. 10. Talking to Your Mac
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Setting Up Speech Recognition
      3. Talking to Your Computer
      4. Telling Your Computer What to Type
      5. Giving Your Computer a Voice
        1. Finding and Installing High-Quality Voices
        2. Customizing Text-to-Speech Settings
      6. Creating Custom Commands for Speech Recognition
      7. Additional Ideas for Talking to Your Mac
  7. III. Automation
    1. 11. Automating Tasks with Macros
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Creating a Macro with Automator
        1. Building the Workflow
        2. Using the Macro
      3. Using Macros with Keyboard Maestro
        1. Enabling Existing Macros
        2. Assigning Triggers
        3. Creating a New Macro
        4. Adding and Configuring Groups
        5. Disabling Macros
      4. Additional Ideas for Making Macros
    2. 12. Automating Tasks with AppleScript
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. What Can You Do with AppleScript?
      3. What’s the Difference Between a Macro and a Script?
      4. Getting Started with the AppleScript Editor
        1. Writing and Running Your First AppleScript
        2. Scripting with Natural Language
        3. Learning AppleScript by Example
      5. Dabbling in Advanced AppleScript Concepts
        1. Working with Applications
        2. Working with Variables
        3. Using Flow-Control Structures to Do Work
        4. Building a Simple User Interface
      6. Launching Your AppleScript
      7. Additional Ideas for Creating and Using AppleScripts
    3. 13. Creating a Bluetooth Proximity Monitor
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. How Bluetooth Proximity Detection Works
      3. Setting Up the Bluetooth Proximity Monitor
      4. Performing Actions Based on Bluetooth Proximity
        1. Locking the Screen
        2. Pausing iTunes
        3. Setting an Away Message
      5. Adding the Scripts and Testing Everything
      6. Additional Ideas for Creating a Bluetooth Proximity Monitor
    4. 14. Automating File and Folder Actions
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Using OS X Folder Actions
      3. Using Automator to Create Folder Actions
      4. Using Hazel to Perform File and Folder Actions
        1. Taking Out the Trash
        2. Purging Old Downloads
        3. Archiving Folders
      5. Additional Ideas for Automating File and Folder Actions
    5. 15. Triggering Location-Based Actions
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Understanding Location-Based Actions
      3. Getting Started with Sidekick
        1. Adding Places
        2. Configuring Actions
        3. Setting Up Triggers
      4. Manually Switching Places
      5. Using AppleScripts as Actions
      6. Additional Ideas for Triggering Actions
  8. IV. Managing Your Life
    1. 16. Managing Your Email
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Taming the Mail Application
        1. Controlling How Often Mail Checks for Email
        2. Using Rules to Filter Incoming Messages
        3. Creating a Smart Mailbox
      3. Categorizing Email with Tags
        1. Tagging Messages
        2. Creating Effective Tags
        3. Finding Tagged Messages
      4. Processing Email with Keystrokes
        1. Using Mail Act-On
        2. Configuring Keystrokes
      5. Archiving Email
        1. Setting Up MailSteward
        2. Creating the Archive
        3. Finding Messages in the Archive
      6. Additional Ideas for Managing Your Email
    2. 17. Killing Spam
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Filtering Junk Mail in the Mail Application
        1. Enabling the Junk Mail Filter
        2. Training Mail to Filter Spam Accurately
        3. Taking Off the Training Wheels
      3. Filtering Spam on a Server with Gmail
        1. Adding Your Email Accounts to Gmail
        2. Enabling IMAP Access
        3. Using the Mail Application to Read Your Gmail
      4. Additional Ideas for Killing Spam
    3. 18. Creating Quick and Easy Alerts
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Creating Basic Alerts
        1. Setting Repeating Alarms
        2. Configuring Alerts
      3. Creating Advanced Alerts
        1. Using the Alarms Timeline
        2. Synchronizing Alarms with Calendar and Contacts
      4. Additional Ideas for Reminders
    4. 19. Managing Your Music
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Getting Started with iTunes Match
        1. Signing Up for iTunes Match
        2. Upgrading Your Music
        3. Streaming Your Music to Other Computers
      3. Controlling iTunes with Shortcuts
        1. Getting Started with CoverSutra
        2. Configuring Shortcuts in CoverSutra
        3. Using the CoverSutra Player
      4. Adding Missing Metadata
        1. Fixing Mislabeled Songs
        2. Adding Missing Cover Art
      5. Managing iTunes Libraries
        1. Adding Existing Libraries
        2. Creating a New Library
        3. Duplicating a Library
        4. Copying Songs from One Library to Another
        5. Merging Libraries
        6. Moving Your Media Folder to a Different Location
      6. Additional Ideas for Managing Your Music
  9. V. Internet and Networks
    1. 20. Creating Your Own Safari Extension
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Understanding Safari Extensions
      3. Getting Started
        1. Registering for the Safari Developer Program
        2. Generating a Certificate
        3. Enabling the Safari Developer Menu
      4. Creating a Safari Extension
        1. Configuring the Extension Settings
        2. Making the Global Page
        3. Designing the Buttons
        4. Installing and Building the Extension
      5. Additional Ideas for Creating Your Own Safari Extension
    2. 21. Turning Websites into Applications
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Creating Site-Specific Browsers
      3. Pinning a Site-Specific Browser to the Menu Bar
      4. Customizing Display Settings
        1. Modifying Site-Specific Browsers with User Styles
        2. Adding Functionality to Site-Specific Browsers with User Scripts
      5. Additional Ideas for Turning Websites into Applications
    3. 22. Storing Files in the Cloud
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Using iCloud to Store Files
        1. Getting Started with iCloud
        2. Using iCloud with Applications
      3. Using Dropbox to Store and Synchronize Files
        1. Getting Started with Dropbox
        2. Sharing Dropbox Folders with Others
        3. Cool Things You Can Do with Dropbox
      4. Additional Ideas for Storing Files in the Cloud
    4. 23. Accessing Your Mac Remotely
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Preparing Your Mac for Remote Connections
      3. Connecting to Your Mac Remotely
        1. Preparing to Connect
        2. Accessing Shared Files and Folders
        3. Sharing Your Mac’s Screen
      4. Additional Ideas for Accessing Your Mac Remotely
    5. 24. Turning Your Mac into a Web and FTP Server
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Understanding Web Servers
      3. Configuring Server Software
        1. Starting Apache
        2. Using a Solution Stack
      4. Enabling Remote Login
      5. Making Your Website Accessible to the World
        1. Enabling Port Forwarding
        2. Using Dynamic DNS
      6. Additional Ideas for Turning Your Mac into a Web Server
    6. 25. Wirelessly Sharing a Printer and Hard Drive
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Sharing a Printer
        1. Connecting the Printer to the Base Station
        2. Printing Wirelessly from Your Mac
      3. Sharing a Hard Drive
        1. Connecting the Hard Drive to the AirPort Extreme
        2. Controlling Access to the Network Drive
          1. Creating a Single Shared Password
          2. Creating a Separate Account for Each User
          3. Using the AirPort Extreme’s Password
        3. Accessing the Hard Drive Wirelessly
      4. Additional Ideas for Wirelessly Sharing a Printer and Network Hard Drive
    7. 26. Synchronizing Files Between Computers
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Getting Started with ChronoSync
        1. Installing ChronoSync and ChronoAgent
        2. Connecting All of the Computers
      3. Setting Up Synchronizations
        1. Selecting Folders and Volumes to Synchronize
        2. Selecting a Synchronization Option
        3. Synchronizing Your Files
        4. Scheduling Synchronizations
      4. Monitoring ChronoSync
        1. Monitoring Synchronizations
        2. Getting Notifications
      5. Additional Ideas for Synchronizing Files
  10. VI. Serious Security
    1. 27. Creating Strong Passwords and Storing Them Securely
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Understanding Password Management Applications
      3. Tips for Creating Strong Passwords
      4. Using Keychain Access
        1. Creating and Saving Passwords to the Keychain
        2. Protecting Other Sensitive Information with the Keychain
        3. Locking and Unlocking the Keychain
        4. Repairing and Backing Up the Keychain
      5. Using 1Password
        1. Using the 1Password Browser Extension
        2. Integrating 1Password with Dropbox
      6. Additional Ideas for Creating Strong Passwords and Storing Them Securely
    2. 28. Enabling Firmware Password Protection
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Understanding Firmware Password Protection
      3. Enabling the Firmware Password
      4. Additional Ideas for Protecting Your Mac at the Hardware Level
    3. 29. Encrypting Your Mac’s Internet Connection
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Understanding How Attackers Capture Data on Public Wireless Networks
        1. Session Hijacking
        2. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
      3. Forcing HTTPS Encryption
        1. Using the HTTPS Everywhere Extension
        2. Using Other Options to Force HTTPS
      4. Using a VPN Connection
        1. Selecting a VPN Service Provider
        2. Manually Connecting Your Mac to a VPN
        3. Configuring Your Mac to Automatically Connect to a VPN
      5. Using a SOCKS Proxy Server
        1. Setting Up the SOCKS Proxy Server
        2. Manually Connecting Your Mac to a SOCKS Proxy Server
        3. Configuring Your Mac to Automatically Connect to a SOCKS Proxy Server
      6. Additional Ideas for Encrypting Your Mac’s Internet Connection
    4. 30. Enabling Firewalls
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Understanding How Firewalls Work
      3. The OS X Application Firewall
        1. Turning On the OS X Firewall
        2. Monitoring the OS X Firewall Logs
      4. Creating ipfw Rules with NoobProof
      5. Monitoring and Controlling Outgoing Connections
      6. Additional Ideas for Using Firewalls
    5. 31. Preserving Your Anonymity Online
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Understanding How Tor Works
      3. Surfing the Internet Anonymously with Tor
      4. Routing Application Data Through Tor
      5. Configuring Your Mac as a Tor Relay
      6. Additional Ideas for Preserving Your Anonymity Online
    6. 32. Encrypting Your Hard Disks and Backups
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Checking Partitions and Backing Up Your Hard Disk
      3. Turning On FileVault Whole Disk Encryption
      4. Encrypting Secondary Volumes
      5. Encrypting Time Machine Backup Disks
      6. Additional Ideas for Using Full Disk Encryption
  11. VII. Monitoring, Troubleshooting, and Maintenance
    1. 33. System and Process Monitoring
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Why You Need to Monitor Your Mac
      3. Learning the Lingo
      4. Using Activity Monitor
      5. Using top
      6. Using iStat Menus
      7. Additional Ideas for Monitoring Your Mac
    2. 34. Repairing Disk Permissions
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. How Repairing Disk Permissions Works
      3. Verifying and Repairing Disk Permissions Manually
      4. Repairing Disk Permissions Automatically
        1. cron Crash Course
        2. Using CronniX to Schedule Repairs
      5. Additional Ideas for Repairing Disk Permissions
    3. 35. Verifying and Repairing the Hard Disk
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Should You Verify and Repair Your Hard Disk?
      3. Verifying the Hard Disk
      4. Repairing the Hard Disk with Disk Utility
      5. Repairing the Hard Disk with fsck
      6. Additional Ideas for Repairing the Hard Disk
    4. 36. Making Better File Backups
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Creating a Backup Plan
      3. Backing Up with Time Machine
        1. Making Your First Time Machine Backup
        2. Scheduling Backups
        3. Excluding Files from Backups
        4. Using a Network-Attached Storage Device
      4. Making an Exact Copy of Your Hard Disk
        1. Making Your First SuperDuper Backup
        2. Testing Your SuperDuper Backup
        3. Scheduling and Updating SuperDuper Backups
      5. Storing Backups on the Internet
        1. Making Your First CrashPlan Backup
        2. Configuring CrashPlan’s Network Options
      6. Restoring from Backups
        1. Restoring from a Time Machine Backup
        2. Restoring from a SuperDuper Backup
        3. Restoring from a CrashPlan Backup
      7. Additional Ideas for Backing Up Your Mac
    5. 37. Maintaining a MacBook’s Battery
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Tips for Keeping Your Battery Healthy
      3. Achieving Incredible Battery Life
        1. Monitoring the Battery’s Status
        2. Configuring Energy Settings
        3. Changing the Display and Keyboard Brightness
        4. Disabling AirPort and Bluetooth
        5. Quitting Applications and Disconnecting Peripherals
      4. Calibrating the Battery
        1. Manually Calibrating the Battery
        2. Battery Calibration Assistance
      5. Additional Ideas for Maintaining a MacBook’s Battery
    6. 38. Creating an Emergency USB Drive
      1. What You’ll Be Using
      2. Evaluating Your Emergency Drive Options
        1. Emergency USB Drive
        2. Recovery HD
        3. Internet Recovery
      3. Making Your Own Emergency USB Drive
      4. Using Your Emergency USB Drive
      5. Peeking Inside the Emergency USB Drive
  12. Index
  13. About the Author
  14. Colophon
  15. Copyright

Product information

  • Title: Master Your Mac
  • Author(s): Matt Cone
  • Release date: October 2012
  • Publisher(s): No Starch Press
  • ISBN: 9781593274061