Conclusion Next Steps: What to Do from Here?

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.


Lather, rinse, repeat.

—Label on the bottle of shampoo

So we’re approaching the end of this part of our journey together; we trust you’ve gained some understanding of yourself, and developed or adopted some solid strategies for making your world better.

In book-writing terms, this is supposed to be the “conclusion,” but we find that reaching the final pages of a book like Master Your Mind is at least as much of a beginning point as an ending. Corny as that may sound, it’s the truth. Mastering your mind is much more of a process than an event, so let’s use these final pages to recap, review, and then move forward.

Back in the introduction, we’d encouraged you to look for a small number of new understandings or action steps to get going on quickly. Remember how many we said constitutes a “small number”? Right . . . one or two. So take a moment and consider what your one or two things might be. There are a ton to choose from, we’ve served up a ton. Likely it’s taken you at least several days, maybe even several weeks with us to reach this point. So it would actually be really smart to flip back through these pages right now and see your highlights and notes. In case you don’t have the time or ability to do this right now, here’s a quick bullet-pointed synopsis, free-association style:

You started out hearing how Roger got left in the dust by a four-foot grandma, ...

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