Part II. Data Structures

This part of the book contains seven chapters on data structures. Chapter 5, presents various forms of linked lists, including singly-linked lists, doubly-linked lists, and circular lists. Chapter 6, presents stacks and queues, data structures for sorting and returning data on a last-in, first-out and first-in, first-out order respectively. Chapter 7, presents sets and the fundamental mathematics describing sets. Chapter 8, presents chained and open-addressed hash tables, including material on how to select a good hash function and how to resolve collisions. Chapter 9, presents binary and AVL trees. It also discusses various methods of tree traversal. Chapter 10, presents heaps and priority queues, data structures that help to quickly determine the largest or smallest element in a set of data. Chapter 11, presents graphs and two fundamental algorithms from which many graph algorithms are derived: breadth-first and depth-first searches.

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