As we discussed earlier, the shell comes with an environment, which dictates what it can do and what not, so let's just have a look at what these variables are using the env command:
zarrelli:~$ env ...LANG=en_GB.utf8...DISPLAY=:0.0...USER=zarrelli...DESKTOP_SESSION=xfce...PWD=/home/zarrelli/Documents...HOME=/home/zarrelli...SHELL=/bin/bash...LANGUAGE=en_GB:en...GDMSESSION=xfce...LOGNAME=zarrelli...PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games_=/usr/bin/env
Some of the variables have been omitted for the sake of clarity; otherwise, the output would have been too long, but still we can see something interesting. We can have a look at the PATH variable content, which influences where the shell will look ...