Deploying the StableToken contract

We are going to access the local blockchain using the ganache-cli command. If ganache-cli is not already installed on your machine, you can run the following command to install it; otherwise, you can ignore it and directly start the blockchain:

$ npm install -g ganache-cli

To start the local blockchain, follow these steps:

  1. Open a new Terminal window and execute the following command to start the Ganache local blockchain instance on port 9545:
$ ganache-cli -p 9545
  1. Once the ganache-cli command has started the local blockchain instance, go back to the old Terminal window and run the following command:
$ npx zos session --network local --from 0x0421E4eB85b5a8443A8Fd5cc8ab3FfA0B723Db26 --expires 3600

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