
Chapter 1, Docker Overview

Here are some sample answers to the questions presented in this chapter:

  1. Docker Hub:
  2. $ docker image pull nginx
  3. The Moby Project
  4. Mirantis Inc.
  5. $ docker container help

Chapter 2, Building Container Images

Here are some sample answers to the questions presented in this chapter:

  1. False; it is used to add metadata to the image.
  2. You can append CMD to ENTRYPOINT, but not the other way around.
  3. True.
  4. Snapshotting a failing container so that you can review it away from your Docker host.
  5. The EXPOSE instruction exposes the port on the container, but it does not map a port on the host machine.

Chapter 3, Storing and Distributing Images

Here are some sample answers to the questions presented ...

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