Creating a development container

To create our container, we need to define the recipe describing how the image is assembled. Docker recipes are called Dockerfiles, and are nothing more than text files describing the operations needed to build the images.

The following snippet shows our, since this is the Dockerfile that we'll use while developing:

$ cat Dockerfile.devFROM elixir:1.6.4-alpineENV TERM xtermENV LANG en_US.UTF-8ENV LANGUAGE en_US:enENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8ENV REFRESHED_AT 2018-06-05ENV APP_PATH /opt/appENV APP_NAME elixir_dripENV HTTP_PORT 4000ENV MIX_ENV devRUN apk add --no-cache build-base git inotify-tools nodejs nodejs-npmRUN mix archive.install ...

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