Media ownership

In the previous Media section, we simply inserted a new Media entry when we saved the media file for our users with the function. However, this was only a partial solution, since we have a many-to-many relationship between the Media and Owner schemas.

Our goal here is to create a new MediaOwners schema entry when we store a file for the first time with the function, effectively associating the user with the uploaded media:

$ cat apps/elixir_drip/lib/elixir_drip/storage/storage.exdefmodule ElixirDrip.Storage do  # ...  def store(user_id, file_name, full_path, content) do    file_size = byte_size(content)    with %Owner{} = owner <- get_owner(user_id), %Changeset{} = changeset <- Media.create_initial_changeset ...

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