Viewing cross references with xref

Since Elixir 1.3, every time you compile your code, you are also using xref to find calls to non-existent modules and functions. If the module we were pointing to in the ElixirDrip application configuration (config/config.exs) had a typo, we would get the following output:

$ mix clean && mix compile==> elixir_dripCompiling 10 files (.ex)warning: function ElixirDrip.Storage.Providers.Typo.upload/2 is undefined (module ElixirDrip.Storage.Providers.Typo is not available) lib/elixir_drip/storage/provider.ex:6warning: function is undefined (module ElixirDrip.Storage.Providers.Typo is not available) lib/elixir_drip/storage/provider.ex:7Generated elixir_drip app==> elixir_drip_web ...

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