Exposing Prometheus metrics

To expose the Prometheus metrics, we will use a set of Elixir libraries that let us emit new metrics and also introduce out-of-the-box Phoenix, Plug, and Ecto metrics:

$ cat apps/elixir_drip/mix.exs  # ...  defp deps do    [      # ...      {:prometheus, "~> 4.0", override: true},      {:prometheus_ex, "~> 3.0", override: true},      {:prometheus_ecto, "~> 1.0"},    ]  end  # ...$ cat apps/elixir_drip_web/mix.exs  # ...  defp deps do    [      # ...      {:prometheus_phoenix, "~> 1.2"},      {:prometheus_plugs, "~> 1.1"},    ]  end  # ...

Let's now start with the Phoenix metrics. We need to define a simple EndpointInstrumenter module, which will use the PhoenixInstrumenter module:

$ cat apps/elixir_drip_web/lib/elixir_drip_web/prometheus/endpoint_instrumenter.exdefmodule ...

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