Building one-to-one relationships using the Fluent API

We could configure the relationship using the Fluent API with the HasOne, WithOne, and HasForeignKey methods. The HasForeignKey method needs to be generic in a one-to-one relationship (a one-to-many relationship doesn't require this) since we need to explicitly mark the dependent type. In our case, we have specified the Address entity for the foreign key:

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)    {      modelBuilder.Entity<Blog>().ToTable("Blog");      modelBuilder.Entity<Post>().ToTable("Post");      modelBuilder.Entity<User>()        .ToTable("User")        .HasOne(x=>x.Address)        .WithOne(x=>x.User)        .HasForeignKey<Address>(x=>x.UserId);      modelBuilder.Entity<Address>().ToTable("Address"

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