Decentralizing your data

To fully implement the smart contract, we have to take a look at each section of the website to update its contents with data from the smart contract. Let's go from top-left to bottom-right. In that order, the first thing we have to decentralize is the top hashtags sections, using the getTopHashtags() function:

async setup() {    window.web3js = new Web3Js(ethereum)    try {        await ethereum.enable();    } catch (error) {        alert('You must approve this dApp to interact with it, reload it to approve it')    }    const user = (await web3js.eth.getAccounts())[0]    window.contract = new web3js.eth.Contract(ABI.abi, ABI.networks['3'].address, {        from: user    })    await this.setState({contract, user})}

You'll also have to update your render() function ...

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