Installing Ext JS
Let's take a look at how to install Ext JS locally. This step is required because we will need to have the Ext JS SDK in our computer prior to creating the application with Sencha Cmd.
Prerequisites for Ext JS and Sencha Cmd
Before downloading Ext JS and Sencha Cmd, we need to set up our computer to be ready. The following is a list of software needed so that we can create an Ext JS application:
- Ruby 1.8 or 1.9: The current version of Ruby is 2.x at the time of writing this. To be able to create an Ext JS application, we need to have Ruby 1.8 or 1.9 installed. Ruby is required because the theming engine used by Ext JS is based on Sass and Compass, which are Ruby gems. To download and install Ruby, please follow the instructions ...
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