Supervised learning task

Like in the previous chapter, we need to prepare the training and validation data. In this case, we'll reuse the Spark API to split the data:

val trainValidSplits = inputData.randomSplit(Array(0.8, 0.2))val (trainData, validData) = (trainValidSplits(0), trainValidSplits(1))

Now, let's perform a grid search using a simple decision tree and a few hyperparameters:

val gridSearch =for (     hpImpurity <- Array("entropy", "gini");     hpDepth <- Array(5, 20);     hpBins <- Array(10, 50))yield {println(s"Building model with: impurity=${hpImpurity}, depth=${hpDepth}, bins=${hpBins}")val model = new DecisionTreeClassifier()         .setFeaturesCol("reviewVector")         .setLabelCol("label")         .setImpurity(hpImpurity)         .setMaxDepth(hpDepth) .setMaxBins(hpBins) ...

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