LDA is performed in the MASS package, which we have already loaded so that we can access the biopsy data. The syntax is very similar to the lm() and glm() functions.
We can now begin fitting our LDA model, which is as follows:
> lda.fit <- lda(class ~ ., data = train) > lda.fit Call: lda(class ~ ., data = train) Prior probabilities of groups: benign malignant 0.6371308 0.3628692 Group means: thick u.size u.shape adhsn s.size nucl chrom benign 2.9205 1.30463 1.41390 1.32450 2.11589 1.39735 2.08278 malignant 7.1918 6.69767 6.68604 5.66860 5.50000 7.67441 5.95930 n.nuc mit benign 1.22516 1.09271 malignant 5.90697 2.63953 Coefficients of linear discriminants: LD1 thick 0.19557291 u.size 0.10555201 u.shape ...