To begin, we will load the dataset named water and define the structure of the str() function as follows:
> data(water) > str(water) 'data.frame': 43 obs. of 8 variables: $ Year : int 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 ... $ APMAM : num 9.13 5.28 4.2 4.6 7.15 9.7 5.02 6.7 10.5 9.1 ... $ APSAB : num 3.58 4.82 3.77 4.46 4.99 5.65 1.45 7.44 5.85 6.13 ... $ APSLAKE: num 3.91 5.2 3.67 3.93 4.88 4.91 1.77 6.51 3.38 4.08 ... $ OPBPC : num 4.1 7.55 9.52 11.14 16.34 ... $ OPRC : num 7.43 11.11 12.2 15.15 20.05 ... $ OPSLAKE: num 6.47 10.26 11.35 11.13 22.81 ... $ BSAAM : int 54235 67567 66161 68094 107080 67594 65356 67909 92715 70024 ...
Here we have eight features and one response variable, ...