Objective: To understand the application of social network analysis in identifying influential users in a marketing context.
- Visualize the Social Network:
- Use networkx to create a visual representation of the network.
- Highlight key nodes that might represent influential users.
- Calculate Centrality Measures:
- Calculate degree, betweenness, and eigenvector centrality for each node.
- Identify top five influential users based on these centrality measures.
- Discussion:
- Discuss how these measures can help in identifying potential influencers for marketing campaigns.
- What are the limitations of this approach?
- Load the Data and Import Libraries:
1. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
2. import networkx as nx
3. sna_data = pd.read_csv("/data/Social_Network_Analysis_Data.csv")
This line imports the matplotlib and networkx library and loads the social network data from the CSV file into a pandas DataFrame.
- Create the Graph:
4. G = nx.Graph()
5. for index, row in sna_data.iterrows():
6. G.add_node(row[‘User’], followers=row[‘Followers’], engagement_rate=row[‘Engagement Rate’])
Here, we create an empty graph using networkx and then add nodes (users) from the DataFrame. Each node is added with attributes ‘followers’ and ‘engagement_rate’. The graph currently has 25 nodes. Here are the attributes for the first five nodes:
- User 0: 2,832 followers, 5.93% engagement rate
- User 1: 3,364 followers, 6.03% engagement rate ...
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