Implementing a new API for a custom entity

In this example, we will be creating a new entity in Dynamics 365 Business Central to handle the details of Cars, and this entity will also be exposed as an API for external applications:

  1. To do this, we first create a new Car table, as follows:
table 50111 Car{    DataClassification = CustomerContent;    Caption = 'Car';    LookupPageId = "Car List";    DrillDownPageId = "Car List";    fields    {        field(1; ModelNo; Code[20])        {            Caption = 'Model No.';            DataClassification = CustomerContent;        }        field(2; Description; Text[100])        {            Caption = 'Description';            DataClassification = CustomerContent;        }        field(3; Brand; Code[20])        {            Caption = 'Brand';            DataClassification = CustomerContent;        }        field(4; Power; Integer)        { Caption = 'Power ...

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