Table definition

With the AL extension, you don't have a graphical tool for designing tables (like we did previously in CSIDE); instead, you need to create a table using code.

A table definition can be created by using the ttable snippet:

table id MyTable{        DataClassification = ToBeClassified;    fields    {        field(1;MyField; Integer)        {            DataClassification = ToBeClassified;                  }    }       keys    {        key(PK; MyField)        {            Clustered = true;        }    }       var        myInt: Integer;       trigger OnInsert()    begin           end;    trigger OnModify()    begin           end;       trigger OnDelete()    begin           end;       trigger OnRename()    begin           end;   }

To define a table, you need to specify an ID (which must be unique in your application) and a name (which must also be unique). Then, you can set the table's properties (use ...

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